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Soobin POV

I walked into the schoolyard, it's been a month since I've really eaten. I mean, I eat lunch but that's not at all enough.

I need two meals a day to function well. So, I'm always tired, hungry, confused and somewhat mean.

I was just chillin outside at a bench about 30 minutes before school starts, like always.

And then I saw Yeonjun walking up to me.

"Um hi, Soobin." He said and sat down next to me.

"Hey. What do you want?" I asked.

"I need to tell you something... it's important." He said.

"What is it?" I asked somewhat harshly. What could this bitch possibly need to tell me?

"Um... I- I. I'm so sorry about this..." He said and tears started to roll down his face.

"Are you alright? What's so bad?" I asked nervously. I'm not good at dealing with people when their crying.

"I'm pregnant." He choked out through his tears.

"Y-you're really pregnant?" I asked. This is bad, this is really bad.

"Y-yes. Why else would I come to you and start sobbing?" He asked.

"I- I don't know." I said. I really had no idea what I was going to do. I didn't love him. I didn't want a child with him.

"And you know what makes all of this worse?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you. I love you so fucking much... and you don't love me back..." He said.

It took me a minute to process what he just told me. Choi Yeonjun... loves me?

"I don't know what to say... I'm sorry." I said.

"It's my fault anyway. Why couldn't I have told you to use protection? Why was I so stupid? I wasn't even that drunk." He said.

I don't know what came over me but I felt bad, really bad. Like, I've never felt so bad in my life.

I blocked Yeonjun out of my life when he made one mistake. It was a big mistake but when I heard him say the words 'I love you' it seemed like maybe I could forgive him.

We'll never be as good of friends ever again. But, at least we have something, or really someone, keeping us together.

"Yeonjun... I promise that I won't leave you alone to raise our child. My dad is definitely going to kill me. So, I don't think I'm going to go back home after I tell him." I said.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"Yeah, I doubt that I'll ever feel the same but I would be broken if I left you." I said.

Suddenly he hugged me tightly, crying into my shoulder. I hugged him back.

When he pulled away he wiped his tears and finally got himself together.

"Thank you, Soobin. And... you know, if you need somewhere to stay... you can always live with me... Class is about to start, bye." He said and quickly walked away.

I wanted to run after him, but I didn't. Also, my dad is at work by now so, I'm skipping school.

I got up from the bench and left the school. I walked for about 15 minutes and was finally back at my house.

I packed a suitcase full of all my clothes and a backpack with all the essentials.

But, I wasn't actually going to leave until after my dad got home.

Here's the plan; my dad gets home, I'm standing next to the door with all my stuff, I tell him I got someone pregnant, I walk out of the house while flipping him off.

~skip to when le plan begins~

It's 5pm, I'm standing next to the door. Suddenly I hear the sound of keys being put into the lock.

My dad walked in, seeing me standing there with all my stuff.

"Are you running away now?" He asked with an angry look.

"Yup, oh, and I got someone pregnant. And it's a boy because guess what, I'm gay. Now bye, bitch." I said and walked right out the door.

While flipping him off, of course.

I got into my car and immediately locked all the doors, because my dad had followed me and was trying to open the doors.

But I proceeded to just drive away, careful not to crush my dad's foot.

And then I drove to Yeonjun's house. I decided that I was taking his offer.

Even though I didn't really like the idea of fully living with someone that I don't particularly like, it is a mansion and he is carrying our child.


I don't know if I really like this chapter but I don't care

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