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Soobin POV

I've been in the hospital for a week now. Every time I breath my rib hurts so bad. And they stopped giving me the intense pain meds, so I just take ibuprofen now.

Yeonjun comes to see me everyday after school and Beomgyu and Taehyun come most days.

At least I'm not dead, well, no one's dead. And my dad is on trial right now.

He did get arrested and sentenced to 10 years for all of his crimes, but, they still are going to start an investigation on my family.

Yeonjun is supposed to be here soon but Beomgyu and Taehyun had some family thing to attend.

I decided to text him to make sure he was still coming. I hate being alone in this room.


Hey, are you coming today?

I'll be there in like 10 minutes

I hate being alone

Well I don't mind keeping you company

That was so cringey

Well, I'm cringey

You really are
See you soon

See you


I sat there staring at the ceiling for the longest 10 minutes ever.

But then there was a knock before the door opened.

"Hi Yeonjun." I said.

"Hi, are you alright today?" He asked.

"I still can't move because of my rib but... other than that I'm fine. I also have only showered once this week so, that's bad." I said.

"I-I could help you take a shower if you want..." He said while blushing.

"At this point I don't even care if you see me naked I need to take a fucking shower." I said.

I hated how greasy my hair was and how bad I smelled, it was starting to drive me crazy.

"So... how's this gonna work?" Yeonjun asked.

"Well, I have to put a plastic cover thingy over my cast. And I can take off the rib brace thing now so... then you just have to help me take off this stupid hospital gown and get me into the shower." I explained.

"Um alright. So, I'll help you out of the bed and then you can get to the bathroom." He said.

I had to stay sitting either straight up or laying flat on my back to not be in pain. So I sat straight up and Yeonjun helped me moved my legs off the side of the bed.

I got up, which I usually do myself so that I can go to the bathroom but, having Yeonjun to help made it much less painful.

He got me to the bathroom and then proceeded to unbutton the hospital gown and take it off me.

Then he got the plastic thingy and put it over my cast so that it wouldn't get wet.

Obviously I was still wearing underwear but, that's all.

He pulled down the bench in the shower and then turned on the shower.

"You got it from here?" He asked and I nodded.

"Thank you." I said.

Then he walked out and I took the shower. It felt so good. I was finally clean.

It hurt pretty bad to bend down so getting my underwear back on sucked.

I somewhat dried my hair and then walked back out. I didn't put the hospital gown back on since I'd been wearing it for a week and it was nasty at this point.

But, I had another one in the room.

Yeonjun looked at me and just looked sad. Then I realized he was looking at the fact that you could see my bones from how skinny I had gotten. And I was bruised everywhere.

I could tell that he felt really bad for me.

I got out the other gown and tried to button it myself but it hurt too bad.

"Do you want me to do that?" He asked.

"Yeah, please." I said.

He walked over and quickly buttoned it up. I turned around and just looked at his cute little smile.

I love his smile.

"I'm hungry." I said.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Well there's a chick-fil-a in this hospital so... I want some." I said.

"Alright, I know what you want." He said and then left to go get the food.

I slowly got back in the bed. I also put the rib brace thing back on because my rib hurt really bad.

About 10 minutes later Yeonjun came back with the food. We ate together and talked happily.

I keep forgetting that we were apart for so long but our baby is bringing us back together.

So, I'm trying to stay positive about the whole situation. And I'm still hiding the fact that I cry every night over my family's death. I just can't take it anymore.

Yeonjun is the only one keeping me alive.


This chapter is really just a filler so sorry that it's kinda boring.

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