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Yeonjun POV

~skip a month and a half, yes, I skipped Christmas~

Everyone at school knows but they've given up on bullying us since... we're no fun to bully.

We also say something back that just gets them embarrassed so...

When my mom came home for Christmas she found out... everything. Like Soobin, Jaehyeong and the baby.

But, surprisingly, she didn't kill me. She trusted me enough that she kept things the way they are. She's never home. And it's great.

Also, for Christmas, I told Soobin I would take him to the animal shelter to adopt a dog.

He has always wanted one but his dad never let him. But, I kinda wanted a dog too.

We ended up with a cute, fluffy, white dog which Soobin named Sean.

(Idk what kind of dog Soobin's actual dog is I just know it's name is Sean)

At this point I'm 3 months pregnant. It's not terrible but, it's not fun.

Soobin is still recovering from what his father did, but only mentally. His rib is healed and he is supposed to get the cast off his arm tomorrow.

I woke up at about 6am from Sean jumping on me and licking me. He was such a cute dog.

The morning sickness isn't as bad as it was but now I get cravings all the time.

Today the craving wasn't weird, I just really wanted cereal. Like, if I didn't eat cereal I would die.

So, at like 6:05am I got up and went downstairs to eat cereal.

"Good morning, Yeonjun." Jaehyeong said since he was sitting in the living room.

"Good morning." I said and started to get out the cereal.

Before I could even get out the milk my body decided I needed to throw up first. I throw up in the kitchen so often that we now keep a toothbrush next to the kitchen sink.

"You good?" Jaehyeong asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said and then started to brush my teeth, trying to get rid of the lingering taste of puke in my mouth.

I finally got to eat my cereal. It was so good. I literally ate 3 bowls of it.

By that time it was around 6:30am. I slowly walked back upstairs to my room. Soobin had just gotten out of the shower and only had a towel around his waist.

I was mostly focused on how hot he looked but I also noticed that most of his bruises were completely gone. And you couldn't see his ribs anymore. Which is good because he was very unhealthily skinny.

"Are you done with the bathroom?" I asked and he nodded.

I got out some clothes and went into the bathroom to shower.

~skip to when they get to school cuz I'm lazy~

The day so far is just normal. It's almost 1pm and so Soobin is going to leave to go get his cast taken off.

But there's a problem...

I'm craving chocolate cake. And there is no way for me to get any. But I want it. Why are cravings so intense? It's so hard to ignore them.

But I did. I hate being pregnant but there are advantages. Like, everyone helps you do things, so you don't have to do much. I mean, as long as you have somebody,

I walked into my second to last class of the day, chemistry. I literally suck at chemistry. I took it last semester but I failed it so I have to take it again.

I sat down in my seat, which is next to Taehyun. Just a few months ago when we still had to sit next to each other he wouldn't even look at me. But now, we talk through most of the class. I'm really glad that Beomgyu and Taehyun don't hate me anymore.

"Where's Soobin?" Taehyun asked.

"Oh, he went to get his cast taken off." I said.

"It feels like he's had that thing for years." he said.

"Yeah... it does." I said.

It feels like all the terrible shit Soobin's dad did was forever ago. It was really only like 2 months ago and initially 6 years ago. I'm not sure that Soobin feels the same though.

He tries his best to be a good boyfriend but it's hard to love someone else when you don't love yourself. I can tell Soobin blames himself for what happened.

That night when his dad killed his family, he probably thinks that if he had been there it might not have happened. 


sorry that this chapter is shit and that i haven't updated in literally a month. i just have had writer's block and still have it but i managed to complete a chapter.

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