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Yeonjun POV

It has been a year already. Minjun is literally the cutest baby I've ever seen. 

Soobin and I recently bought a million dollar penthouse so that we would have enough space and also why not?

It has a beautiful view of the city and it has four bedrooms. It is also an open concept. And Soobin is really good at interior design so it's really beautiful. 

Soobin starts college in the fall. He did get a scholarship. He really wanted to do it on his own.

Jaehyeong also moved out of the old house. He lives in a cute little apartment since he wouldn't except our money and doesn't need much space anyway. 

That leaves Youngjae all alone in the mansion. But Jaebum comes over a lot. For such a famous person he has a lot of free time. 

Currently Soobin and I are just playing around with Minjun. We have nothing better to do. I don't want to get a babysitter or nanny so I still haven't got a job. Not like I need money. 

We both are unemployed but we're rich. So, I don't care. Although once Minjun is 5 and can go to school both of us will probably have jobs. 

I suddenly got a call from Youngjae, which is weird since he never calls me. 

"Hello?" I asked. 

"Come to the house. Now." He said. I could tell that he was crying. 

"Um okay, I'll be there soon." I said and hung up. 

"Soobin, I have to go see Youngjae, sorry. I'll be back before dinner." I said and kissed him quickly. 

"Okay, be safe." He said. 

"I will be." I said. 

I put on my shoes and grabbed my keys before exiting the apartment. I got into the elevator and went down to the parking garage to get in my car. 

I pulled out of the garage and quickly but carefully drove to Youngjae's house. In about 10 minutes I was there. 

I knocked on the door and Jaebum opened the door. 

"Oh hi Jaebum. Youngjae wanted to see me." I said. 

"Yeah, he won't come out of the bathroom and I can hear him crying. He won't tell me what's wrong." He said. 

I walked over to the bathroom door. I heard his soft sobs. I knocked on the door. 

"It's me, Yeonjun, can I come in?" I asked. 

"Y-yeah." He said and I heard the lock turn. 

I opened the door to see him leaning against the bathtub crying. I closed the door and sat down next to him. 

I put my arm around him and he cried into my chest. 

"What's wrong?" I said softly. 

"I've b-been throwing up e-every day for about a week. I know I'm p-pregnant. I took a test but I c-can't look at it. Can you look?" He asked. 

I nodded. I was kind of shocked that he got pregnant. But, maybe he wasn't since he hadn't looked at the test.

I stood up and saw the small white stick on the side of the sink. I remember the feeling. It's not a good one when you don't necessarily want a kid. 

I picked it up and looked at it. Two lines. He was pregnant. 

"Y-you're pregnant." I said to him softly. 

"Hey listen. It's going to be okay. You're 22, not 17 like I was. And Jaebum loves you and isn't going to leave you. Trust me." I said. 

"O-okay. Come with me and I'll tell him." He said. 

I nodded. I helped him off the floor and opened the door. I could see Jaebum sitting on the couch, he looked stressed. 

"Jaebum, Youngjae needs to tell you something." I said. 

Youngjae dried his tears and walked over to Jaebum. 

"I'm pregnant. Don't worry, it's yours." He said and hugged Jaebum tightly. 

Jaebum was shocked but hugged back. 

"I-I don't know what to say. I mean, I'll stay with you, I'd never leave you. We're gonna have this baby and we're going to raise he/she to be a fucking amazing person." Jaebum said making Youngjae laugh. 

It was a really good scene. I let a few tears fall. 

"I'm going to let you two have your moment. I told Soobin I'd be back for dinner." I said. 

I walked out and got in my car. I drove back to the apartment. 

That was very eventful. 


Not a double update but a TRIPLE update. I'm on a roll but I need sleep since It's like 1am so...

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