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Soobin POV

After Yeonjun left for school this morning I slowly and carefully took a shower and got dressed.

I was going to see my dad.

At this point I don't usually wear the brace on my ribs but I did because I was going to be out for awhile.

I sat down in my car and just thought about life for a long time.

After I got it together I connected my phone to the stereo and started playing GOT7, specifically Eclipse because it's a bop.

I quietly sang along to the lyrics as I drove. It helped me calm down a little bit.

Since my phone was on shuffle the next song it played was Young Forever by BTS.

Definitely one of my favorite BTS songs.

I arrived at the jail and parked my car. I slowly and painfully got out of my car and walked in.

I was walking to the front desk. (Btw I have no idea how jails work so I'm guessing)

"Are you Choi Soobin?" The woman there asked.

"Y-yeah." I said.

"Come with me." She said.

I followed her into a small room. My dad was there, handcuffed to the table with two guards next to him.

On the other side of the table were two chairs. One was empty and the other had some serious looking man in it.

I was told to sit in the other chair. My dad just smiled at me.

The woman left the room and closed the door.

"Soobin... I think you know what to do." The serious looking man said.

"Well... hi dad." I said.

"Hi. How's it been?" He asked.

"Not very good. You know you broke my arm and rib, right?" I said lifting up my arm that was still in a cast.

"I see that. I should've been a little more gentle since you're so weak." He said.

"It's not my fault I'm weak. You starved me all the time and would lock me away and beat me all the time." I said.

"Well, we need to talk about the main issue. You came here because you wanted to know where your brother is." He said.

"Are you gonna tell me?" I asked.

"Only if they leave the room." He said.

The guards then proceeded to tie his legs to the chair insuring that he wouldn't be able to get up.

"I guess we're leaving, you have 5 minutes." The man said.

They got up and left the room, closing the door and I heard it lock. Why would they lock me in here with him?

"Where is he? Please, this is all I ask from you." I said.

"First, I wanna know. Why Yeonjun?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, of all the people you could've gotten pregnant you chose Yeonjun. I thought that you two had a falling out." He said.

"I don't know. I was drunk as hell when I did it. And it was a misunderstanding.  He never did anything wrong." I said.

"Do you love him?" He asked.

"Why are you asking me this?" I asked.

"I asked, do you love him?" He repeated.

"I don't know. Maybe. Love is a strong word..." I said. I wasn't even lying. I didn't know if I loved Yeonjun.

"You might wanna write this next thing down." He said.

I looked at the table to see a very convenient piece of paper and a pen.

I picked up the pen and then looked at my dad. He looked sad. He looked like he was mad at himself.

"You're brother is with a woman named Park Sungmi. She lives on 738 Darkwood Road. I left him with her because I couldn't bring myself to kill him." He said.

I wrote it down and wished that the guards would hurry up and come back. I didn't want to see my dad any longer.

"Why'd you kill them?" I asked while looking down at the table.

I was about to cry.

"I don't know. You were home since you were sick. We all went out to dinner, and on the drive home I purposely crashed the car in a way that I'd be able to get out. I wasn't planning for your brother to also live, but he did. So I took him and ran to the closest house I could find. It was basically the middle of nowhere but I found one. I knocked on the door and begged the probably 30 year old woman to take him. She was very confused but she agreed to take him." He explained.

I was crying at that point. I wanted them all back.

Just then the guards came back in.

"We were listening to the whole conversation. Thank you very much, Soobin. If you want to go home you can." One of them said.

"What about Jaehyeong? Are you going to find him?" I asked.

"Yes, in like one minute we are leaving. Don't follow us. I'll call you when we find him." He said. I nodded and slowly got up and left the room.

I was still softly crying. I wiped my tears away and got into my car. I drove home in silence. I was still scared.

Jaehyeong is probably already dead anyway.


This chapter was slight garbage but I finally finished it.

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