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Yeonjun POV

~skip 2 months in the future, Yeonjun is 5 months now~

I pulled a large hoodie over my head and hoped that it could cover my bump.

It kind of did but if you took a second glance you could tell.

I have an ultrasound today. Soobin is going with me and we are going to find out if it's a boy or girl.

I don't really mind which will one it is but I know nothing about girls. So I guess I kinda want a boy. But, I could learn.

"Soobin, let's go." I said and he slowly got up from the couch.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the house. He drove and we just talked about stupid stuff until we got there.

"You know, we're gonna have to make a nursery for him/her." Soobin said.

"Yeah... I want the room to be blue." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know. I just like it." I said.

"Well then I guess we'll paint it blue." He said as we pulled up at the hospital.

We walked in, checked in and then sat down. I scrolled through instagram and he just stared off into the distance.

"Choi Yeonjun?" A nurse called out.

We both got up and walked back with him. We went into the familiar ultrasound room. I got on the table and Soobin sat in a chair next to me.

"Alright, you know how this goes." He said and I knew what he meant.

I laid down and pulled up my hoodie and exposed my somewhat large baby bump. The nurse got the weird stick and slowly placed it on my stomach. 

I liked the feeling of the blue gel stuff but it was also kind of gross.

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" He asked and we both nodded eagerly.

"The baby looks a little small but still healthy... it's a boy by the way." He said.

"I guess his name is going to be Minjun then." I said with a smile, Soobin looked at me happily.

"You guys decided fast." The nurse said.

"Yeah... I've been thinking about what I would name my children since I was little. Those two names just always seemed perfect." Soobin said.

Beomgyu POV (time for a side plot because the normal one is getting boring)

Taehyun and I are currently chilling at my house. There was a knock at the door and so I got up and ran to go answer it.

I opened the door to see Kai.

"Hey, Kai... what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Can I not come see my boyfriend when I want to?" He asked and then pulled me into a kiss.

Of course I kissed back. He's not lying, I am his boyfriend.

"Yeah, but... you should call first." I said.

"You're hiding something." He said.

"What makes you think that..." I said. Why am I such a terrible liar?!

"Babe, what is taking so long?" I heard Taehyun yell from upstairs.

"Nothing, I'll be back in a minute." I yelled back.

"Are you fucking cheating on me?" Kai yelled at me suddenly.

I didn't know what to say. I heard Taehyun's footsteps as he ran down the stairs.

"Who is he?" Taehyun asked me.

"This is Kai. Kai, this is Taehyun... my boyfriend." I said.

I watched as Kai had a whole mental breakdown. He started pacing, yelling and crying.

"So... who were you dating first? Who's the side bae?" Taehyun asked me as tears slowly rolled down his face.

"I was dating you first... " I said.

"Am I not enough for you? Did you get bored?!" He yelled at me.

This night isn't turning out too good. 

"Can we all just sit down so I can explain?" I asked nervously, afraid that Kai would throw something heavy at me.

"I guess." Kai said and Taehyun nodded.

We all sat down on the couch. It was awkward. But suddenly I couldn't control myself and burst into tears.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I never meant for this to happen, I didn't want to cheat... It's just that I couldn't choose between you! I still love you, Taehyun... but I love Kai too. But I know that you two would think it was weird if I dated both of you... " I ranted.

They both seemed to not know what to say. They were probably deciding on if they wanted to break up with me or not.

I hope not.

"Look... it's okay. I'm glad you told us. I don't mind if you also date Kai, I just need to know. And you better not give him more attention than me." Taehyun said.

"Or we could just be in a poly relationship." Kai suggested.

"But, I don't know you. And you don't know me." Taehyun said.

"We could change that." I said.

And after that we... well, you know. We had a threesome and it was pretty great. 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The side plot made it a lot more interesting since I ran out of ideas for the original plot.

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