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Soobin POV

It's been two days since I got that phone call. I'm getting out of the hospital today. The doctors taught me how to take care of my wounds and stuff so, I get to finally go back home.

I'm going to see my dad tomorrow.

I'm scared. And I have to go alone or he won't tell me anything, I know he won't.

"You'll be fine." Kai tried to convince me for the 50th time even though I was already convinced.

"I know, Kai." I said.

"Well... I need to leave for school soon so, we really need to get out of here." Yeonjun said, referring to leaving the hospital.

"Okay, okay. Someone help me up." I said.

Yeonjun walked over and got me out of the bed pretty easily.

Then I needed to change out of the hospital gown into real clothes.

I got my shirt on pretty easily. I didn't care that Kai and Yeonjun were seeing me nearly naked.

Then I made Yeonjun pull my sweatpants onto me, because I didn't want to bend down.

"Okay, lets go!" I said happily.

We took the elevator downstairs and checked out before getting into Yeonjun's car.

Why couldn't my dad have broken my finger or something? Why my arm and rib?

Yeonjun POV

I drove Soobin home and helped him into the house. Then I quickly took Kai home before going to school.

No one at school other than Taehyun and Beomgyu have found out that I'm pregnant.

But... the story of Soobin's dad is everywhere. Literally everyone is talking about it.

He is going to come back to school by Wednesday. I've been bringing him all his make up work in the hospital and helping him learn new concepts and stuff.

And, he's pretty smart so, I'm sure he'll be fine.

Also, today is December 16th. It's a Monday. (Don't fact check me on that this is fan fiction)

And our winter break is starting on the 20th, which is Friday.

I'm not the biggest fan of Christmas... I love giving gifts and all but... I had a really traumatic experience one Christmas when I was about 12.

Since we're rich, someone broke into our house and started stealing our presents, my dad tried to stop them.

Only to get shot in the heart.

He died. On Christmas morning.

I snapped out of the thought and went to my first class. But, about half way through it I started to get really nauseous.

I tried to get to the trash can but I ended up throwing up all over the floor.

"S-sorry..." I said shakily.

Then I threw up again, this time in the trash can.

"Can someone take him to the nurse? And can someone go find the janitor?" The teacher asked, unamused.

Beomgyu got up and walked me to the nurse.

"I know you're throwing up because you're pregnant so, are you gonna stay for the rest of the day?" He asked me.

"Yeah... I feel alright now..." I said.

I felt like crying. I was thinking about my dad and Soobin.

For some reason I just started to cry. Sob actually.

"Are you okay?" Beomgyu asked and I just hugged him, crying into his chest.

He hugged me back. It felt nice to cry.

"I-I'm alright, it's just the hormones." I said with a small laugh.

I wiped my eyes and started to calm down.

"I'm leaving. I need to see Soobin." I said.

"Um okay, see you tomorrow I guess." He said and I walked off.

I went back to my first class to get my stuff and then walked out to my car.

I got in and drove slowly since there were no other cars. It was relaxing.

I got home and walked in, Soobin was in the living room watching something on tv.

"Hey, what are you doing home?" He asked.

"I threw up twice and then decided I wanted to see you. So, I left." I said.

I walked upstairs and then brushed my teeth since they still kinda tasted like puke.

Then I changed into comfier clothes than what I was wearing. I noticed that my small abs had disappeared and my stomach was flat.

The doctor said I would probably start to show at about 3 months and wouldn't be able to hide it at 5 or 6 months.

I walked back downstairs.

I know that this is too much information but I was horny. And just seeing Soobin made me want him even more.

I know that I shouldn't because of his rib but I could be careful about it.


I know, I cut off Yeonjun but... smut next chapter. Because, I skipped the first one and now I want to write one so...

Also I'm pretty sure pregnant people are super horny a lot because of hormones so this makes sense. (Right?)

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