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Yeonjun POV

Not too long after Youngjae found out he was pregnant Jaebum proposed to him. He said yes. It was a shock to the public though, since no one knew they were even dating. (a/n: a chen situation lol)

It's not like Soobin and I are getting married since we're too young. I'm gonna marry him. Because I love him and we have a child. 

It's already fall which means that Soobin is going to college. We found a way to let him live off campus in freshman year. So, he gets to stay with Minjun and I. 

Life's going well. Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai are still together. They're great for each other. 

~time skip 3 years~

Soobin and I were in the park on a date. We now have date nights, I get it now. I never understood date night but now I have a kid. 

Minjun is with Youngjae and Jaebum. They had a little girl, her name is Soohyun. 

Soobin has been acting weird this entire time. I feel like he's gonna propose to me but I'm trying not to get my hopes up. 

We were walking along a path next to a lake. It was about 8pm so, it was dark but the moonlight shined on the water. 

I was leaning my head on Soobin's shoulder when he suddenly pulled away from me. I looked at him and he got down on one knee. 

I'm a pretty emotional person so obviously I immediately started crying. He took a small box out of his pocket and opened it. 

"Look, I know we're still really young but I need you to marry me. Would you do that for me?" He asked with a nervous smile. 

"Of course I'll marry you, come here." I said and hugged really tight. 

When we broke the hug he slid the beautiful ring onto my finger. It was subtle but beautiful. It was a normal silver ring with small black diamonds around the whole thing. 

I kissed him softly and he wiped my tears away. 

"Okay, let's go get our kid. We're late." He said. 

I nodded. 

We walked back to my car holding hands. Soobin drove since I was tired. We got to Youngjae and Jaebum's house at around 8:30pm. 

They live in Jaebum's mansion. The thing is huge. Much bigger than the one that we used to live in, although, we're not nearly as rich as them. 

I knocked on the door. Youngjae opened it while holding a sleeping Soohyun. 

"Sorry we're late." I said and held up my hand to show the ring. 

"Oh my god, you didn't?!" He whisper yelled, trying not to wake the 2 year old. 

"Oh, I did." Soobin said. 

We all walked inside. Minjun was asleep on their couch with Jaebum. Which was really cute. But sadly we had to take Minjun home and ruin the cute moment. 

Youngjae woke up Jaebum. 

"They got engaged." He said to him. 

"Cool." Jaebum said tiredly. 

Soobin picked up Minjun carefully and we said our goodbyes before driving back home. 

Within the next year, we got married, Soobin graduated and became an interior designer, Minjun started kindergarten, and I got pregnant again. 

We were a happy family. 

And to think, this never would've happened if it hadn't been for my desire for Soobin for all those years and Soobin's secret desire for me. 



started: 12-25-2019

finished: 05-25-2020


I hope that you enjoyed this story! I'm bad at endings, I know. I might write a bonus chapter but there are no promises. 

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