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Yeonjun POV

Soobin brought me my cake and it made me really happy.

At least I didn't get impregnated by someone mean.

Once we were home from school we just chilled and did our homework together. He was really happy to have his cast off.

"Hey Yeonjun?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Do you have any idea how to do this math problem?" He asked.

"Maybe." I said and looked at his paper.

"What class is this from?" I asked.

"Calculus." He said.

"I honestly don't remember how to solve that. I could try though." I said.

I took his pencil and started to solve it. I eventually got an answer.

"Does this make sense?" I asked.

"It's good enough. I already have a C in calculus." He said.

"I could help you. At least try to. I'm not the best teacher." I said.

"Well, I just saw you solve a really hard problem in about 30 seconds so, I think you'll do fine." He said.

For some reason that made me blush. So, I turned my head away from him.

"Look at me." He said sternly yet softly.

I turned back towards him and he gently kissed my lips. It lasted only about 5 seconds.

Soobin pulled away with a smile on his face.

"After all that's happened... I know it's cringey but, you're the only person that makes me feel better. Well you and our baby." He said.

It made my heart race and I was blushing much more now.

"I love you, Soobin. And I really hope you can stop blaming yourself for what happened." I said.

"I love you too... but it is my fault. If I hadn't been sick that night-" He said but I cut him off.

"You would've been dead too." I said quickly.

"But- maybe my dad wouldn't have killed them all if I was there. He spared me." He said.

"He only spared you because he had to. You're dad is crazy, Soobin. If you had been in that car I'm 99% sure you would be dead right now." I said.

"What about the other 1%? Your not completely sure! My mom and my sister could've lived too! Now I only have Jaehyeong..." He yelled as tears started rolling down his face.

I hugged him tightly and he cried into my shoulder. I tried my best to make him stop crying but he just couldn't.

We stayed like that for about 10 minutes. Until he lifted up his head and looked at me.

I didn't know what to say to him.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Don't be. I don't exactly understand what you're going through because I didn't experience it... but I do know that it wasn't your fault. It's not your fault that your dad is a psychopath." I said.

He wiped away his tears and slowly stood up.

"Thank you, Yeonjun." He said.

I don't really know if he really believes that it's not his fault. But, his father really fucked up his mental health.


Sorry that it's short but at least I updated.

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