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Youngjae POV

We were on our way back when I got a call. It was from Jaebum.

"Oh my god Jaebum is calling me? What do I do?" I asked.

"Answer it you idiot!" Yeonjun said.

"Hello?" I said as I answered. I put it on speaker.

"Hey Youngjae... um... I'm kinda at your house." He said.

"I'm almost there but... why are you at my house?" I asked. God I'm stupid.

"I came to see you." He said.

"Oh... see you in like 2 minutes then." I said while blushing aggressively.

"See you." He said and I hung up.

"Oh shit." Soobin said.

"So Im Jaebum is at our house right now?" Yeonjun asked.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Well... we're here." Yeonjun said.

I saw Jaebum sitting in his car on his phone in front of our house.

I got out of the car and walked over to him. He got out of the car and hugged me.

Yeonjun and Soobin were fangirling while watching us.

"Are those your brothers?" Jaebum asked.

"One of them. His name is Yeonjun and that one's Soobin, his boyfriend. It's a really long story but they both live here and Soobin got Yeonjun pregnant." I explained.

"Interesting. How old are they?" He asked.

"They're both 17... I think." I said.

Yeonjun POV

Seeing Jaebum in my yard is amazing. He's been basically my role model since I was like 10 years old.

And to make it better he's dating my brother.

I walked into the house and literally watched them through the window to see when they would come in.

"Stop being so stalkerish." Soobin said with a laugh.

"Oh shit they just kissed." I said.

"Wait. Really?!" He asked.

"Yeah. And now they're coming in." I said.

I walked away from the window. The door opened.

"You're quite an upgrade from his ex." I said to Jaebum earning a slap from Youngjae.

"Shut up, I'm not completely over her." He said.

"Why are you saying that in front of Jaebum?" Soobin asked from across the room.

"Because he's not my official boyfriend." He said.

"Well now I know why." Jaebum said.

"Whatever." Youngjae said.

"How far along are you, Yeonjun?" Jaebum asked.

"About 5 and a half months." I said.

Suddenly Junhyeong walked into the room. I literally forgot he was here.

"Who's that?" Jaebum asked.

"Junhyeong. My brother." Soobin said.

"And who are you?" Junhyeong asked. Jaebum at first was surprised he didn't know and then ignored it.

"I'm Jaebum. Why does your brother also live here?" He asked.

"To make a long story short. Our dad's a murderer and killed our family except for Jaehyeong who survived and obviously me. But we only just found him after 6 years and my dad is finally in jail. I wish I had died with them... being abused and starved was much worse than death in my opinion. So... he lives here." Soobin explained. I could tell it made him sad to mention it.

And he has depression and anxiety. I don't blame him though, his dad is a terrible person. I understand what he's going through a little bit.

I was depressed for about 3 years after my dad died. Well, was murdered.

I walked over to him and hugged him. I wasn't even that sad at all but I started to cry. It's hard to stop yourself from crying when your pregnant.

Youngjae whispered something to Jaebum and then they went into his room.

"Sorry. I just can't stop." I said with a laugh.

Tears continued to flow but I couldn't stop them.

"Let's go to bed." Soobin said and rubbed my back.

I pulled away from him and we walked back to our room.

We both got ready for bed and then laid down. I got in and then Soobin got in and pulled me into his arms.

It only lasted an hour because then I had to pee. This isn't very fun.


Double update to try and make up for how long it's been. I've just had zero ideas so I didn't write because I didn't want to make bad chapters. I'm not proofreading this so sorry for mistakes.

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