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Yeonjun POV

I slept for about an hour last night. I wasn't tired though. I was scared. In a few hours I would be holding my child. 

The alarm went off at 9am. Soobin had somehow slept the entire night. 

The c-section is scheduled for 1pm, and we are supposed to get there at noon. I got up and took a shower. 

Soobin joined me in the shower, it's not like we did anything other than make out and shower but it was stress relieving. 

It was the longest 3 hours of my life before noon. We left the house at around 11:45. Soobin drove and it was a very quiet drive. 

"You seem very happy." I said. 

"I'm excited. We've both been waiting a long time for this moment." He said. 

"Yeah, that's because you're not the one that's getting cut open." I said. 

"Well that's true, but you'll get a cool scar." He said. 

"Yeah, and a baby." I said. 

We pulled into the hospital parking lot and got all our stuff before walking in. We got all checked in and then we waited. 

They gave me an epidural, which involves a very large needle by the way. It hurt but whatever. After about 20 minutes I couldn't feel my lower body at all, it was weird. 

It was almost time for the surgery. 

How it works is I stay awake but I obviously can't feel anything and there is a curtain so that I don't have to see myself get cut open and my organs moved out of the way. And also Soobin gets to stay with me the whole time. 

I'm still scared me or the baby are somehow gonna die though. 

It was time. 

They took me to the operating room in a wheelchair and started prepping me for surgery. Soobin had to wear a mask and gloves to keep the place sterile. 

"Soobin, I'm scared. I've never had any type of surgery before." I said. 

He grabbed my hand and looked it to my eyes. Even though he was wearing a mask I could tell that he was smiling. 

"You'll be fine. I promise. And Minjun will be fine too." He said. 

It made me feel better but not great. 

The put the curtain in front of me so I knew that they were about to cut me open, which stressed me out but I was okay. 

It took about 30 minutes before they successfully got Minjun out of me. I almost immediately heard him crying which was a relief. 

Since he was healthy they let me hold him while they put me back together. Soobin also got to hold him. 

After about 10 minutes we were put back into the same room as before and I was slowly starting to feel my lower half again. 

A lot of people came to visit us. Taehyun, Beomgyu, Kai, Jaehyeong, Youngjae, Jaebum, Hyuna, and one that was surprising, my mother. 

"Mom? You came?" I asked when she walked in. 

I had been crying since Minjun was born and I hadn't stopped. Soobin also cried for a few minutes.

"Yeah, I may be a bad person but I wouldn't miss seeing my grandchild." She said. 

I just smiled.

"What's their name?" She asked. She didn't even know if the baby was a boy or girl. That is how much she wasn't there. 

"His name is Minjun." I said. 

"Also, why is Im Jaebum here?" She asked. 

"Oh um mom, I um, we're dating." Youngjae answered. 

"I thought that you were straight dammit." She said. 

Jaebum noticed how that made Youngjae feel like a disappointment. Which, he isn't used to like I am. 

"If you're going to be homophobic at a time like this then get out. I don't care about your opinion of us dating, because... because I... I love Youngjae." Jaebum said. 

"I guess I'll leave then." She said. 

She walked out of the room and Youngjae was smiling but he was also shocked at the same time. 

"Y-you love me?" Youngjae asked. 

"Y-yeah. I do. You don't have to say it back, I understand." Jaebum said. 

"N-no, I l-love you too." Youngjae said. 

Jaebum walked closer to him and pulled him in for a kiss. It was really cute. 

"Awwwwww." Kai said while basically melting. 

"That was adorable." I said. 

Minjun was sleeping on my chest and he was just the cutest thing I've ever seen. I can't believe that I'm a father. 

Soobin took Minjun and I slept for a couple hours. 

It was a really good sleep. 

Except I woke up in pain from the surgery so that was great. 


I think I honestly finish this book by tomorrow because I'm in the mood to write. 

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