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Yeonjun POV

You know what... ~time skip 3 months, tomorrow is Yeonjun's scheduled c section~

Last month we bought all the baby stuff. I'm nervous.

Mostly because I'm 17 and don't really think I'll be the best dad for Minjun.

My baby bump is huge, especially since I'm pretty skinny everywhere else.

School just ended though, I've escaped the hell of high school.

I barely passed all my exams. But Soobin did help me study a lot.

Jaebum and Youngjae are actually official now. And have been for 2 months. It's so cool seeing my brother dating an idol and actor. 

Whenever Jaebum comes over I fangirl for awhile before getting it together and leave them alone. Jaebum isn't how I expected him to be. 

He actually has a pretty sweet personality. 

"Hey Yeonjun?" Soobin said. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"I finished the nursery." He said with a smile. 

I smiled happily and slowly got up and walked with him to the small room down the hall. It was an old storage room since there aren't any actual bedrooms left in the house. 

But it's for a baby, it's not like he needs that much space. 

I walked in. It was so pretty. The light blue walls and white furniture matched really well together. The carpet was circular and rainbow colored. 

Soobin has been working on this for about a week. He wouldn't let me see it or help him. 

"This is beautiful! Who knew you where so good at interior design?" I said happily and hugged him.  

"That's actually what I wanted to study in college, but I doubt I'll be going." He said. 

"Really? You've never mentioned that. And if you want to go to college I'll pay for it." I said. 

"No, I don't want you to do that. I'll get a scholarship. If I don't get a scholarship, then I won't go to college." He said. 

"Well, I believe in you. You're pretty smart." I said. 

"I can't believe that we're having a baby tomorrow." He said. 

"Yeah, it's crazy. I really hope that we are good fathers. I don't know about you, but I don't think that I'm ready. I've had about 8 months to think about it and I still can't even imagine being a father." I said. 

"Me neither honestly. But, we're gonna be okay. You don't have to go to school anymore so you can take care of Minjun when I'm at school. It's going to be fine. Well, it wouldn't be fine if your mother suddenly decided to cut you off and stop giving you money." He said. 

"Why would she do that yet? She is going to when I turn 20. But, by then, I'll have a job and it'll be fine." I said. 

"You never mentioned that. And that's 2 years from now." He said. 

"Whatever, it's not like I'm going to suddenly lose the 7 million dollars she's already given me." I said. 

Soobin nearly died when I said that. 

"Y-you have 7 million dollars?!" He asked. 

"Yeah. And it's mine. That's also nothing compared to Youngjae. He has about 320 million dollars to his name." I said. 

Soobin was shocked. I thought he at least somewhat knew. 

"Okay, so we aren't going to run out of money." He said. 

"I doubt it." I said. 

Then there was a knock at the door. I assumed that it was Jaebum. Soobin and I walked downstairs and I opened the door. 

It was Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai. I wasn't aware that they knew Kai but whatever. 

"Oh hi. What're you doing here?" I asked. 

"We just need to tell you something, in person." Beomgyu said. 

"Oh okay. Let's sit then." I said. 

We all sat down on the couch together. It was kinda awkward. I noticed that Taehyun and Beomgyu weren't next to each other and I immediately thought that they must've broken up. 

"So... what is it?" I asked. 

"Um basically we may or may not be in a poly relationship." Kai said. 

"Oh, okay, cool. That's fine with me." I said and Soobin nodded. 

"How did y'all get together?" Soobin asked. 

"So basically Beomgyu cheated on me and then said that he loved both of us so we had a threesome and yeah, that's how it happened." Taehyun said. 

"Oh wow." I said and started laughing. 

We all started to laugh. 

"That was really straight forward." Soobin said. 

"Who topped?" Youngjae said as he walked in the room. 

"I honestly don't really remember. I just know that I fucked Kai and Beomgyu." Taehyun said. 

"And I fucked Taehyun and Kai." Beomgyu said. 

"And I fucked no one because I never top." Kai said. 

"Mystery solved." Youngjae said. 

"How's it having Jaebum top you?" I asked jokingly. 

Youngjae just blushed. 

"Wait. Your brother dates Im Jaebum?" Kai asked. 

"Yeah. I also learned like 30 minutes ago that he also has like 320 million dollars." Soobin said  

"Yeah, I know, I'm pretty awesome. And also, for your information, I've topped Jaebum before. Twice." Youngjae said. 

"Out of what? At least 30." I asked. 

We all talked for awhile before it got really late and Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai left. 

I didn't sleep that night. 

I was too stressed about the day ahead. 


I updated bois! It hasn't been a month this time. And there are only about 5 more chapters before this is over. I hope. Maybe less maybe more. 

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