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Yeonjun POV

I woke up at 5am and ran to the bathroom to throw up.

I was used to it now. But throwing up really does suck. I couldn't fall back asleep, I just watched Soobin's cute, sleeping self for awhile until he woke up.

It was 6am by then.

I looked at my phone to see frantic texts from Beomgyu and Taehyun.


The entire school knows you're pregnant

Someone posted a picture of you at the doctor

They must be a stalker

And then they said you were pregnant

This is bad

Do you know who did it?

No idea

Well today's gonna be fun

Maybe you shouldn't come

It's almost finals, I need to

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm pretty tough

I know... just don't let them get to you

I won't
And I'll have Soobin with me today

Hopefully people don't make fun of him too




Everyone fucking knows

I know

Oh, I guess Beomgyu is faster than me



I put my phone down and looked at Soobin. He was half asleep.

"Good morning." I said with a smile.

"Morning." He said and slowly sat up. I saw him wince from his rib.

"Did you sleep on your rib?" I asked.

"I think so..." He said and rubbed his eyes.

It was adorable. Sleepy Soobin is honestly one of the cutest things, he's just like a little puppy.

"Beomgyu and Taehyun have informed me that the entire school knows I'm pregnant." I said.

"Shit. Well... you wouldn't be able to hide it at five months anyway." He said.

"That's true but that's like 3 and a half months from now." I said.

"I'm taking a shower now." Soobin said and got up groggily. He got some clothes and then went into the bathroom.

I also wanted to shower so I just used my mom's shower.

She literally never comes home. And it'd be bad if she did. She would find Soobin and Jaehyeong.

And she would learn that Youngjae is literally always at work or his girlfriend's house so... I'm unsupervised.

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