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Soobin POV

We both just stared at my dad. He was standing there looking like an absolute mess.

But he was angry.

"So... this is the little bitch that you got pregnant, huh?" He asked.

"He's not a bitch but, yeah, he's pregnant." I said calmly.

"Get out here, both of you." He said sternly.

We followed him. I looked at Yeonjun, he looked really nervous and scared. He had the right to be.

We stood in the parking lot. I didn't have a plan this time.

"Well... I need to admit something to you." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm not you're real dad. You're adopted. And that's why I thought I could fix you. You aren't actually you're asshole of a mother's child." He said.

"Don't talk about her like that! She was the best mom I could've ever asked for! And you're just a worthless asshole! Sure, I'm a faggot but, I don't think that there's anything wrong with that! It's not as bad as being a child abuser and a pedophile!" I yelled and tears started to run down my face.

Suddenly I felt someone hug me. It was Yeonjun, he was hugging me tightly and he was also crying softly.

"At least someone loves me..." I said.

"No one should love you." My dad said.

At that point I lost it. I walked up to my dad and punched him right in the face.

But, he didn't even flinch. Then he punched me in the face and started kicking me.

I was so weak from all that he's done to me. I couldn't even fight back.

I saw Yeonjun run back inside the doctors office. He was probably going for help.

But then, it all went black.

My dad had beaten me until I couldn't take it. I knew I was gonna live, I just knew that I wouldn't be able to move for awhile.

Yeonjun POV

I ran back inside and yelled at them to call the police, explaining the situation very quickly.

They complied and I just paced back and forth not wanting to look outside and see what he was doing to him.

He better not die. I can't live without him, I'll go crazy. At least when hated me, I could still see him everyday.

~skip to when they are at le hospital~

The ambulance had taken Soobin to the hospital and I followed in my car.

Soobin's dad also got arrested for aggravated assault, child abuse, and something else. He is also suspected to have actually murdered the rest of his family.

I'm sitting in the waiting room, crying from stress. What if Soobin wasn't alright?

What if he had gotten head trauma and forgot who I am? What if he was gone? What if he was in a coma for the rest of his life?

All those questions ran through my head. Everything was going great 45 minutes ago. And then Soobin's dad had to fuck it all up.

I'm glad that he's going to prison for a very long time. He really deserves it.

"Friends and family of Choi Soobin may now come to see him." A nurse said.

I got up quickly and followed her. She directed me to his room on the 7th floor. She had just gotten out of a small surgery where they stitched him up and fixed his broken rib and arm.

I looked at him, he wasn't awake yet. He was covered in deep bruises. His arm was in a cast and he had a thing around him to keep his rib in place.

He looked horrible.

I should've never made him go to that ultrasound with me.

~20 minutes later~

I was sitting next to Soobin waiting for him to wake up.

Suddenly he moved his not broken arm. He was awake. He was gonna be okay.

"S-Soobin?" I asked, making sure he was actually awake.

"Hm?" He hummed in response.

"You're in the hospital. Do you remember what happened?" I asked, seeing if he had memory loss or not.

"Yeah... my dad beat me up, right?" He asked sleepily. He was still on some intense pain meds too.

So, he was drugged. And not really in his right mind.

"Yeah, he did." I said.

"How... bad did he hurt.. me?" He said, struggling to speak.

"Well, the worst is the broken rib. He also broke your arm and left you covered in really bad bruises. But don't worry, he'll never hurt you again. He's in jail." I said.

Just then Beomgyu and Taehyun came storming into the room.

"We heard what happened and rushed here." Beomgyu said.

"Is he alright?" Taehyun asked.

"I mean, he's alive. But he's on some intense drugs right now." I said.

"Hi Beomgyu... hey Taehyun..." Soobin said groggily.

We all laughed. Sure, he looked bad but it really seemed like it was all gonna be okay.


At least I'm not evil and let Soobin live.

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