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Yeonjun POV

I called the doctor this morning and got an appointment for later today.

Later today as in, 20 minutes from now. I convinced Soobin to come with me so, that's good.

Since Soobin is so scared about his dad finding out, he's making me go get in my car and drive it to the back of the house so he can get it.

He also has his car parked 2 miles away which I think is a little ridiculous.

I picked him up from the back of my house and I started to drive to the doctor.

"So... why aren't we talking? It's making this awkward." I said.

"Well it's awkward because I'm going to the doctor with my friend, who I got pregnant, to talk to a doctor about how he's pregnant." He said.

"I guess that is awkward. But, I don't care. We need to get used to the fact that we're gonna have a child." I said.

"It's not very easy. I know that I said I'm not mad, and I'm not. But... my emotions are all fucked up and I don't really know how to fix them." He said.

"It's alright. At least so far, I'm not mean to you. I guess I haven't gotten to the mood swings phase yet." I said.

"Can't wait." He said sarcastically.

The rest of the way we drove in silence, but it wasn't awkward anymore.

"We're here." I said as I put the car in park.

We walked in and I checked myself in. I filled out some paperwork and then waited to be called back.

It took about 15 minutes before a nurse said "Choi Yeonjun."

We both got up and walked with the nurse until she took us into a room.

It was pretty small. There was some sort of machine in the corner and a table and one chair.

"We're going to be doing an ultrasound today to make sure the baby is healthy. Or babies." The nurse said.

"Okay." I said.

"Just lay down on the table and lift up your shirt slightly." He said. And so that's what I did.

Soobin sat in the chair that was next to the table.

The nurse was turning on the machine and doing something else, I couldn't tell.

When he turned around he was holding a weird stick with some bluish gel on the end.

"It might be cold." He said before placing it on my stomach.

I flinched at first contact because it was really cold. But I quickly got used to it.

He moved the stick around my stomach and I could see on the screen a very small little blob looking thing.

That was inside me. I was really having a baby.

"You said that your a month pregnant, right?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"You're the father, right?" He asked, looking at Soobin.

"Y-yeah." Soobin said.

"Well the baby looks pretty healthy, but he/she looks a little small. So, just don't get too stressed and eat at least somewhat healthy." He said with a smile.

"Thank you." I said. He handed me some paper towels and I cleaned off the gel and sat up again.

"Do you want a picture of the ultrasound?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

He printed out the blurry picture. Like I said, it looks like it's just a blob. But it's a baby.

"How old are you?" The nurse suddenly asked.

"17.." I said somewhat quietly.

"And you're..." he said looking at Soobin.

"16, nearly 17." He said.

"Well, it's your last year of high school, right Yeonjun?" He asked.

"Yeah... Soobin still has another year though." I said.

"Well, be careful. School can be rough. I trust that Soobin will protect you though." He said.

"I hope he will." I said.

"I'll try." Soobin said, not very convincingly.

"Well... thanks again. I guess we can leave now, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, just check out at the front desk before you go." He said.

"Bye. See you in a month." I said.

"Bye." He said.

Soobin and I walked back out to the front desk and checked out.

But when we turned around there was a man there.

Soobin's dad.



Cliff hanger ending bitches. Although you probably only will have to wait like an hour.

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