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^this is chapter ten so here's a picture of ten

Yeonjun POV

It was pretty late and I was still with Soobin at the hospital.

And he suddenly said something I didn't think he was going to.

"What are we going to name our child?" He asked.

"Um... I don't know. I've barely thought about it." I said.

"If it's a girl can we name her Misun?" He asked.

(Btw Misun is pronounced like Mee-sun)

"I really like that... so, yeah, if it's a girl we'll name her Misun." I said.

"And if it's a boy can we name him Minjun?" He asked.

"Why are you so good at coming up with names? I like that one even more." I said.

"I don't know. I just really like unique, pretty names. Like yours..." He said.

"Did you just lowkey flirt with me?" I asked.

"Maybe." He said.

"There's no way you don't at least have a crush on me." I said.

"Maybe I do." He said.

"Did you just confess to having a crush on me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I finally accept it. I didn't want to fall for you, but it's kinda hard not to." He said.

I blushed madly. The literal love of my life just said that he had fallen for me.

"I've been in love with you for about 4 years now. Since like a month after I met you. And you are only just now starting to feel the same." I said.

"How did you hide it for so long? And how did you live for 2 years with me hating you?" He asked.

"I just couldn't tell you because I knew I would get rejected. And I didn't really live. I was so sad all the time and I longed to be near you again. It was rough." I said.

"I'm sorry for that." He said.

"Don't be. I should've told you about Taejun much sooner, it's not your fault." I said.

"Come here." He said. I got up from the couch and went over to his bed.

He hit the button that made the bed go into more of a sitting position. Then he scooted over and gestured for my to sit next to him.

I sat on his right side since his left rib was broken. We both looked at each other before I connected our lips.

The kiss lasted about 5 seconds and was sweet and soft.

I mean, I didn't want to hurt Soobin so I wasn't going to get any rougher.

I put my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me.

Somehow we fell asleep like that. The next morning I woke up with him next to me.

I looked at the time.

"Shit. I'm late." I said.

"Late for what? It's Saturday." He said.

"I told an old friend from middle school that I would meet up with him today." I said.

"What's his name?" He asked.

"Huening Kai." I said.

"Interesting name." He said.

"I know right." I said as I gathered all my stuff and put it in my backpack.

"Well, have fun and don't cheat on me." He said.

"We aren't even dating." I said with a laugh.

"Not yet." He said.

"Stop being such a flirt. Bye, I'll be back in like 2 hours." I said and pecked his lips before rushing out the door.

~skip to when he's meeting with Kai~

I arrived at the small cafe we were meeting at. I saw him sitting in a small booth by the window on his phone.

"Hi, I'm so sorry I'm late I slept through my alarm." I said.

"It's fine and I literally haven't seen you in forever you look so good." He said.

"So do you." I said, sitting down in the seat opposite to him.

"So... what's been happening? How's life?" He asked.

"It's crazy. Like, crazy crazy. And it's a really long story." I said.

"I wanna hear it, my life is boring." He said.

"Well first off, the thing that really started all of this is that... I'm pregnant." I said.

"I mean, congratulations! But, I've never seen you as a bottom." He said.

"That's what everyone has been saying. But, I'm usually a top it's just that I found someone that is actually more dominant that me." I said.

"So, what's his name?" He asked.

"Soobin. And he's a very important part of the story." I continued to tell the entire story, including Soobin's dad and even my twin.

"That's a lot. Damn. Are you like alright?" He asked.

"I'm doing pretty good. I do throw up like every morning but, I'm used to it at this point." I said.

"How's Soobin?" He asked.

"Pretty good. I mean he's always talking about how much his rib hurts and I feel really bad for him. But... last night he admitted to having a crush on me." I said.

"Well, that's good. I think it'd be good for you and Soobin to have a good relationship since you're going to raise a child together." He said.

"Yeah... we're trying our best after being apart for 2 years." I said.

"Is Soobin's last name Choi by any chance?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"I was looking at the news on my phone and there's an article about Soobin's dad... he admitted to the murder of Soobin's mom and sister but... he said that he left his brother in the hands of someone else. They're trying to get him to tell who." He said.

"Oh my god. I need to get back to Soobin, I don't want him to be alone when he finds out." I said.

"It also says that he was sentenced to life in prison." He said quietly.

"I'm sorry to leave so quickly. I mean, you can come if you want." I said.

"Sure, I'll come." He said and we both rushed to the hospital.

This is good and bad. Probably more bad though, really bad.


Damn this chapter is long. And sorry but I doubt I'm going to update until tomorrow.

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