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Soobin POV

I was sitting in my room, it had been about 15 minutes since Yeonjun left.

And I got a phone call from an unknown number. I answered.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi, Soobin. This is Nayoung, I'm working on your father's case." She said.

"Okay, what happened?" I asked, assuming the worst.

"Well, your father confessed to the murder of your mom and sister... he said that he left your brother in someone else's hands. We can't get him to tell who, we were hoping if you talked to him you could get him to tell." She said.

"He's such a bitch..." I said as tears started running down my face.

I was happy, sad, and angry at the same time. I was happy that he confessed, sad that my mother and sister really were dead, and angry that he killed them.

"Are you still in the hospital?" She asked.

"Yeah... so, I can't come talk to my dad in person." I said.

"Well... could you maybe do it over the phone? We're really worried about your brother." She said.

"Sure... I'll talk to him." I said. I was still crying and I knew it would only get worse.

"Hello, son." I heard my dad's voice say.

"Hello..." I said softly.

I didn't know what I was going to say to him. He murdered his own family. What do you say to a murderer that also happens to be your dad?

"I know they told you to try and get me to tell where your brother is. I'll tell you. But... I need it to be in person." He said.

"Well I can't because you put me in the hospital. I can barely move at the moment." I said.

"When will you be out?" He asked.

"2-3 days..." I said.

"Well then, come see me then and I'll tell you. But, only you. Don't bring anyone else and don't tell anyone. I'll know if you're lying." He said.

"O-okay." I said.

"Bye. See you then." He said.

"Bye." And then I could hear the phone being moved.

"Well, thank you, I guess we'll see you in 2-3 days." The woman from earlier said.

"No problem, bye." I said.

She hung up and I started sobbing uncontrollably. I generally don't cry very hard in front of people so, I've been holding in a lot of tears for the past week.

It felt good to cry. But it also made me think, will I ever see my brother again? Maybe he's already dead.

Then there was a knock on the door. I tried to stop my tears but I couldn't.

And who would be here? Beomgyu and Taehyun are probably asleep and Yeonjun is out with a friend.

Yeonjun and another guy walked in. When Yeonjun saw me crying his expression immediately changed.

"I'm guessing you heard...?" Yeonjun asked softly.

"Y-yeah.." I said as I continued to sob.

Yeonjun kissed my forehead and played with my hair as I cried into his chest.

I had never been so broken in my life. I had to tell Yeonjun what happened, even though my dad told me not to.

How's he gonna know?

"Yeonjun?" I asked.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I got a call... from a woman that is working on my dad's case. She gave the phone to my dad, he told me he would tell me where my brother is if I went there in person. And only if I went alone. And if I didn't tell anyone, but obviously I told you. And I also told whoever that is." I said.

"Oh, I'm Kai." The boy said.

"Well... are you gonna go?" Yeonjun asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I have to." I said.

"But, you're still stuck here." He said.

"I know. I told him that I wouldn't be out for a few days." I said.

"Okay... just be careful. And make sure not to tell him too much." Yeonjun said.

"It'll be fine, I hope." I said.

"You're going to be in a whole different room than you're father and there will be guards, nothing is gonna go wrong." Kai spoke up suddenly.

"That's everyone's famous last words." I said.

"But this time it's true." Kai said.

"Well, we still have a couple days so... we don't need to worry about it right now." Yeonjun said with a small smile.

Then I looked right into his eyes, leaned in, then kissed his lips softly.

"I would've made that more aggressive but, Kai's here so I don't want to make him even more of a third wheel." Yeonjun said.

"I-I wouldn't mind it honestly." Kai said.


This is starting to get intense lol. Also, in the last sentence, Kai is ME.

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