THIRTEEN *mature*

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⚠️smut warning in advance because it's already happening, and it's the whole chapter⚠️

Yeonjun POV

I walked over to Soobin, who was on the couch, and straddled him.

He looked confused but I just smirked before connecting our lips in an intense kiss.

He caught on and pushed me down onto the couch. He kissed me again and then started leaving hickeys down my neck.

I moaned softly at his touch.

I took off his shirt and mine. Then I took off his pants since I knew he couldn't without hurting himself.

I took off my pants too, leaving us both in just our boxers.

We were both mostly hard already. The more we touched each other the harder we got.

"Please... fuck me..." I said.

"Gladly, baby boy." He said, whispering the baby boy part into my ear, making me shiver.

He took off his boxers and then mine. He held out three fingers in front of me.

"Suck." He said and he put his three fingers in my mouth.

I got them as wet as I could since saliva isn't the best lube but, we weren't gonna go get any.

He took his fingers out of my mouth and slowly pushed in one finger.

It had been a month and two weeks since the first time we had sex, so I was pretty tight.

He then put in another finger and scissored them inside of me.

He then hit a certain bundle of nerves that made me moan pretty loud at first contact.

"Ah f-fuck." I moaned.

"I'm guessing I found your prostate?" He asked and I nodded.

He added a third finger stretching me out even more.

He continued to move his finger deeper into me and kept hitting my prostate directly.

I was close. Already.

"I-I'm gonna cum." I said.

"Cum for me baby." He said calmly.

I came onto my stomach and chest.

Soobin leaned down with a smirk and licked to cum off of me. He also licked it off my dick, making me hard again.

I tried to hold back my moans as he continued to lick all the cum off of me but I couldn't.

Once he was finished he smirked and licked his lips.

Why is he so beautiful and innocent all the time but then this is his sexual side? But... I'm not complaining.

"Just fuck me already." I said impatiently.

He laughed and spat on his hand and rubbed in on his cock. Then aligned it with my hole and slowly pushed in.

"Ah- fuck that hurts." I struggled to say through the pain.

"Tell me when I can move, baby." He said.

After about a minute I told him to move. He started slowly and I got used to his size.

"Faster..." I moaned out.

He picked up the pace and angled his hips towards my prostate again.

I moaned very loud. At least my brother is at work.

If I listened closely I could hear Soobin's soft moans and heavy breathing. He was close, I knew he was.

Then he started to pump my dick while continuing to penetrate me.

It was so much pleasure. It felt so good. I felt the familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"I'm so close." I said.

"Me too." He said.

I came right before him all over his hand and my stomach.

He came shortly after inside of me and thrusted a few more times, coming down from his high.

He fell back on the other side of the couch, panting. I was also out of breath.

"That... was better than last time." I said.

"Well, I'm not drunk." He said with a laugh.

"Is your rib alright?" I asked.

"It kinda hurts because I'm breathing heavy but, I'm fine." He said.

I got up from the couch and got some tissues to clean myself off. And then handed them to Soobin.

I put my boxers and shirt back on but I was too hot and sweaty to put my pants back on.

I watched Soobin struggle to get dressed, but I couldn't really do anything.

"I guess I should wash this." I said gesturing to two couch cushions covered in cum.

"You probably should." He said.

After I did that we cuddled next to each other on the couch and watched a movie.


I hope you enjoyed my not very good smut writing skills.

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