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Soobin POV

I was still at Hyuna's house working on the project. I looked at my phone and it was almost 6.

"Sorry guys, I have to go. I'm meeting some friends for dinner." I said calmly and started to gather my things.

"Wait. I want to tell you something first." Hyuna said.

"Sure. Just make it quick." I said.

"We need to go somewhere private." She said.

"Okay..." I said.

We walked out of her room and to the bathroom.

After closing the door she said "I'm in love with you... I'm really sorry but I can't help it and I can't hide it."

I didn't know what to say to her. I didn't like her back.

"You don't have to respond. I know you don't like me." She said as tears started streaming down her face.

I hugged her and she gasped.

"It's okay. I don't mind that you like me. I don't want to lose you as a friend. You've always been so nice to me." I said as I rubbed her back.

She pulled away from the hug and wiped her tears.

"Sorry. You should go now." She said.

"Okay... I'll see you Monday. Bye." I said.

I walked out of the house and to my car. I drove back home quickly since it was already 6:10.

A little too quickly.

I heard a siren behind me. Shit. To be fair I shouldn't have gone 20 over the speed limit.

I pulled over and rolled down my window.

The police officer walked up and leaned down to the window.

"Hey Officer... I'm sorry, I was just late to something." I said nervously.

"Can I see some identification." He asked and I quickly handed him my driver's license.

"I would let you off with a warning but you were going nearly 60 in a neighborhood so..." He said and then started to write quickly on a ticket.

"Be more careful next time kid." He said after handing me the ticket and my license and walked back to his car.

Great. Now I have to pay a fine. Fun.

I rolled up the window and this time went the speed limit this time.

I got home at about 6:30.

I walked in quickly and hoped Yeonjun wouldn't be mad.

"Yeonjun! I'm home! Sorry I'm late!" I said as I closed the door.

I heard footsteps coming downstairs. It was Yeonjun and Youngjae.

"Why are you late?" He asked.

"Well first Hyuna had to talk to me and confess her love and then I got a speeding ticket on the way here." I said holding up the ticket.

Youngjae started laughing and Yeonjun did soon after.

"That's tough. What did you do about Hyuna though?" He asked.

"I just hugged her and told her we should stay friends." I said.

"Oh. You ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah. But why is Youngjae here?" I asked.

"Long story. But can he come with us?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said.

We all got our shoes on and left the house. Yeonjun insisted on driving so we took his car.

On the way there Youngjae explained the whole Im Jaebum thing. I was shocked at first until I remembered that Youngjae is a famous actor and is also part of the Choi family.

I mean the famous Choi family because my last name is Choi too but no one knows me.

"Yeonjun... have you ever thought about how if we got married we wouldn't have to change our names since they are already the same?" I asked.

"Not really but you're right." He said. I could tell that was a lie but I wasn't going to point it out because he's way too sensitive for that.

We stayed in silence for the next 5 minutes before we were at Chick-fil-A.

We were 40 minutes late but whatever.

We found our friends as in, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai.

We all got food and had a really good time talking and laughing and telling our recent stories since we don't talk much at school.

"Oh my god!" Yeonjun suddenly exclaimed.

"What?" I asked, concerned.

"The baby just kicked! Oh my god it happened again!" Yeonjun said excitedly.

He grabbed my hand and put it on the bump. It kicked my hand and it made me smile.

"Awwww." All of our friends said in sync.


but I did update so...
Also I think I'll post another chapter today.

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