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Yeonjun POV

I just got back from school and Soobin's not here. I figured he was probably still with his dad.

But then he walked through the door. In tears.

"S-Soobin..." I said and hugged him tightly. We stood like that for awhile, him crying into my shoulder.

I didn't know what happened but I tried my best to make him feel at least a little better.

I felt like it should be the other way, I'm the pregnant one. But he's the one with the fucked up family. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

"I need to tell you everything." Soobin suddenly said breaking me out of my thoughts.

We walked over to the couch and sat down.

"My dad told me how he killed them. And he told me where my brother is. The police are looking for him now." He said.

"I'm guessing you're not alright so I won't ask." I said.

"No... I'm okay. Not good but, okay." He said.

I snuggled close to him. Careful not to hurt his rib.

"Are they gonna call you if they find him?" I asked.

"They will find him. And yeah, they'll call me." He said.

I'd never seen Soobin in this state. He was so sad but angry. Yet he still seemed happy at the same time.

It was only about 5pm so we decided to just stay how we were, on the couch.

After sitting in comfortable silence for about 20 minutes, Soobin's phone started to ring.

"H-hello?" He answered.

I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation.

"Bye. Thank you." He said and hung up.

"They found him, let's go." He said and got up quickly and rushing to the door.

I got up and put on shoes before following him out to his car.

"Do you want me to drive?" I asked.

"Sure." He said.

I got into the drivers seat, quickly adjusted it and drove towards the police station.

5 minutes later we were there. We went to the front desk and Soobin said who he was and they let him go back to see his brother.

But since I'm not blood related they wouldn't let me go with him.

Soobin POV

I quickly walked back, following the woman that told me to follow her.

"He's in there." She said.

I opened the door and there he was. He didn't look injured or anything just... well he looked like a homeless man. No offense to homeless men.

"J-Jaehyeong..." I said as tears started rolling down my face.

"Soobin?" He asked and I nodded.

I went towards him and hugged him, he hugged me back and didn't know about my rib so that hurt.

"My rib is broken, chill." I said and broke the hug.

"Oh sorry. Well, how's it been? Oh, I shouldn't ask that... it hasn't been too good, right?" He asked.

"Not really. But... I can't believe you're alive. I've been thinking you were dead for 6 years." I said.

"Has it been that long? I never left that house that dad put me in. I only left now after they arrested that woman. She wasn't the worst but, she was really poor so... she would ration all our food." He said.

"I can't believe you're being so chill about your experience." I said.

"To be honest I lost my memory in that car crash, it only came back to me like a month ago..." He said.

"Oh... at least you remembered. Are they just gonna let you go?" I asked.

"I mean, yeah. I'm allowed to leave now. Although, I have nowhere to go. If it's been 6 years that means that I'm 21..." He said.

"Did you not know the date?" I asked.

"No, the woman would never tell me." He said.

"And also, I think I know somewhere you can stay." I said.

"Really?! Thanks, Soobin." He said and hugged me.

"My rib." I said and he quickly pulled away, an apologetic look on his face.

At least being in that place barely changed him.

Yeonjun POV

After about 15 minutes Soobin walked back out with a guy, I'm guessing that it was Jaehyeong.

"Jaehyeong, this is Yeonjun, my uh... boyfriend." Soobin said.

He just called me his boyfriend, it made my heart skip a beat. Sure we've had sex, we're gonna be parents and we kiss a lot but we weren't official.

"Well hi Yeonjun, I'm Jaehyeong." Jaehyeong said and I shook his hand.

"I was hoping you'd let him stay in your house...?" Soobin asked.

"We don't have any more spare rooms..." I said sadly.

"Well I wouldn't mind sharing a room with you, Yeonjun." Soobin said.

Is he trying to kill me?

"U-uh, I guess that's fine. You can have Soobin's room then." I said and Jaehyeong smiled happily.

We left the police station and went back home. Soobin moved all his stuff to my room and I gave Jaehyeong some of my old clothes since we're pretty much the same size.

After Jaehyeong showered we were all sitting in the living room together.

"You're house is so nice." Jaehyeong said.

"Thanks. But it's not like I pay the bills." I said with a laugh.

"Can I tell him?" Soobin asked me.

"Tell him what?" I asked.

"Our entire relationship and how it happened. It's a good story." Soobin said.

"Sure." I said.

"Okay so, I met Yeonjun a few years ago and we were really good friends. Then I found out he was cheating on my friend with another one of my friends and got really mad at him and shut him out. Turns out he never cheated and it was his twin brother pretending to be him. Crazy, right? And then about a month and a half ago I came to his party, got really drunk, we had sex, then two weeks ago he told me he was pregnant. And because of all of dad's shenanigans we got really close. And I called him my boyfriend but we aren't actually dating, just close to that." Soobin said.

"That was a lot. So, you're pregnant? Congrats I guess." He said.

"Thanks." I said.

"You know Yeonjun, I only just realized how much life sucked not having you around for so long." Soobin said.

Was today the day to kill me? My heart was out of control at this point.

"How long am I gonna have to wait for you to admit that you love me?" I asked.

I don't know how I knew. But I knew that he loved me.

Soobin blushed at my comment.

"We're making Jaehyeong such a third wheel right now." Soobin said.

"Stop avoiding my question. But... I love you. Always have. Always will." I said, trying to be super cringey.

"Fine. I love you. There, I said it." He said.

"Awww, this is so cute." Jaehyeong suddenly said.

I scooter closer to Soobin and cuddled into him. I love cuddling. And I was gonna be doing a lot of it now since we were gonna share a bed.


This was interesting. And kinda cute.

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