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Soobin POV

I got to Yeonjun's house about 15 minutes later. I got out my stuff and walked up to the door.

I knocked on the door and luckily, Yeonjun answered.

"S-Soobin..." He said, he looked pretty shocked.

"You said I could live with you and I have nowhere else to go." I said.

"Well... welcome home." He said and moved out of the way so that I could go inside.

I walked in and looked around at the beautiful house.

"Damn, I forgot how big this place is." I said.

"Uh thanks." He said.

Then his brother, Youngjae I think, came downstairs.

"Hey Soobin, it's been awhile." Youngjae said. (My phone just corrected Youngjae to young thaw lol)

"Yeah, I guess it has." I said.

"Well... I'll show you what room you'll be staying in." Yeonjun said.

We walked upstairs and went into the room right before his. It was pretty big. It even had a bathroom attached to it.

"Thank you." I said.

"If you need anything, I'm right next door." He said with a smile.

He walked away and I heard him go into his room.

I started to unpack everything. I think I'm really going to like living here.

And before I left my house I searched my dad's room and found my phone so, I have a lot of catching up to do.

And I need to tell Beomgyu and Taehyun about my situation.

I only had a few texts from Beomgyu and Taehyun from before they knew I didn't have my phone.

But then I started getting a ton of angry texts from my dad. I just read them, I wasn't going to respond.


If you were going to fuck someone why didn't you use protection?

And why do you have to be a faggot, I thought I raised you better

Come home, now

I won't hurt you, I promise


He won't hurt me? Bullshit. He would literally beat me until I was bleeding and covered in bruises.

I have scars from him too.

Although, I've never told anyone about my past. No one knows what happened to my family.

Everyone knows that my dad is a bitch and I said that my mom left when I was really young. But that's not true.

My dad beats me every time I do something even remotely wrong. And when he gives me bruises I can't cover I just play it off with 'I fell'.

And like I already said, my mom, brother and sister died in a car crash 6 years ago.

I met Yeonjun 4 years ago and Beomgyu and Taehyun 2 years ago.

So, it was pretty easy to hide it all from them.

Except, I know my dad is going to find me. He will and then he'll take me home and beat me harder than he ever has.

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