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Soobin POV

After just talking and messing around for awhile I decided that I really needed to talk to Yeonjun.

"Um... sorry to interrupt the fun but... Yeonjun, come here I need to talk to you. Alone." I said.

"Oh okay." He said.

We walked upstairs and went into his room.

"We haven't really talked about what we're going to do... like with the baby and stuff." I said.

"I mean, I'm keeping it whether you want it or not." He said.

"I know, but, it's gonna be really hard. If my dad finds out it's you that I got pregnant he'll literally kill you, or the baby. Or both." I said.

"I don't think he would do that..." He said.

"You don't know him like I do. I don't know if I've ever showed you this scar but..." I said and rolled up my pants until my knee.

I have a deep, thick scar that starts at my knee and ends at my ankle.

"How the fuck did that happen?" He asked.

"Beomgyu didn't leave my house before my dad got home so he cut me with a steak knife." I said.

"Oh, he really is crazy. So, how are we gonna keep it from him?" He asked.

"We can't go to school in the same car. We can't leave this house at the same time. And most importantly we can't go out in public together, for probably like a year." I said.

"Isn't that a little long?" He asked.

"I'm sorry but I don't want you getting hurt. We can hang out as much as we want during school and when we're here." I said.

"And what about my mom?" He asked.

"Is she also crazy? She never seems to be around." I said.

"She's pretty crazy. But I think all she'd do is force me to get an abortion, not try to kill me or hurt me." He said.

"We also need to get you a doctor. Because, I don't know, aren't pregnant people supposed to go to the doctor every month?" I asked.

"I think so." He said.

"I can't make you an appointment because I know my dad will find out about it somehow. So, either give me your phone or you do it." I said.

"I'll do it." He said.

~meanwhile, downstairs~

Beomgyu POV

I pushed Taehyun down onto the couch and kissed him roughly.

I started leaving hickeys down his neck making him moan softly.

"T-their gonna walk in on us." Taehyun said.

"So?" I asked.

⚠️I guess this is smut so, warning⚠️

I slowly moved my hands down him until I got to one particular spot.

I pressed down on his dick with my palm. Since we were both fully clothed I was driving him crazy.

He pulled me back in and kissed me again. I pulled off his shirt, then mine.

I played with his nipples, making him moan softly.

"Stop teasing me, god damn it." He said.

Then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked up to see Soobin and Yeonjun standing there just staring at us.

⚠️the smut is over⚠️

"Were you two really about to fuck on my couch?" Yeonjun asked while laughed.

"Well we weren't finished so..." I said, picking up Taehyun and carrying him into an empty bedroom.

Soobin POV

We stood there and then looked at each and burst out laughing.

"They were really going to do that. I'm so glad we walked in before they were naked." I said while laughing.

We laughed for like 3 minutes straight (gay) and then finally got it together.

"It's been a long day, I want beer, but I can't drink beer. Because of you, really." Yeonjun said.

"Hey, it's not completely my fault. You could've stopped me, but you liked it too much." I said.

"Oh, shut up." He said.

"I forgot how much I love being around you." I said.

"Thanks, I guess." He said.

"I'm hungry, my dad has been starving me for a month." I said.

"I can tell. How much weight did you lose?" He asked.

"Like 12 pounds." I said. (12 pounds = about 5.5 kilos)

"12?! That's so many." He said, surprised. 

"Well what food do you have?" I asked.

"Cereal... and that's really all." He said.

"Cereal is literally so good, thank god. It's all I've wanted for the past month. Just some god damn cereal." I said.

"Well, you're in luck." He said and opened a cabinet literally just full of cereal.

There were Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Peanut Butter Captain Crunch, and Frosted Flakes.

"This is actually the best day of my life." I said.


Well here's another chapter. I don't think I've ever written a book so quickly. Like, six chapters in two days.

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