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Yeonjun POV

I looked at my phone, it was only 1:46pm. Still almost 2 hours of school to go. Hoodies barely covered my bump at this point.

At least spring in korea isn't that hot. Otherwise I would've been sweating a ton. But at least after school, at 6, me, Soobin and some friends are going out to dinner.

By out to dinner we mean Chick-fil-a but... It's not at my house. Therefore, out.

Somehow I was still passing all my classes. I did have a c in chemistry but whatever. I may suck at it but it's fun at least.

I don't like school that much but I love going to the library. When you're in there no one bothers you and you can just chill.

I made it through the rest of the day though. It was very boring.

Soobin had to go to Hyuna's house to work on a science project with a few other people. So, I drove home and Jaehyeong was there, but so was Youngjae.

"Why are you home, Youngjae? And don't you have work right now, Jaehyeong?" I asked upon seeing them sitting on the couch next to each other.

"Oh, I got let off work early. Youngjae has a story though." Jaehyeong said.

"Um okay." I said.

I walked over and sat on the couch with them. I hadn't noticed when I first walked in but I could tell Youngjae had been crying.

"...What happened?" I asked and slowly sat down next to him.

"M-my girlfriend broke up with me..." He said.

I hugged him as he cuddled into my chest, crying.

"Why did she break up with you?" I asked as gently as possible.

"I messed up... I kinda... I cheated on her." He said.

"Well then why are you so sad?" I asked.

"Because I fucking love her you idiot. I just loved another person too." He said.

"...Who?" I asked.

"I don't know if you know him... his name is Im Jaebum." He said.

How would I not know who Im Jaebum was? He's only one of the richest people in Korea and a super famous singer.

"Like, the Im Jaebum or someone with the same name?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, the Im Jaebum." He said.

"I don't really believe you." I said.

He pulled his phone from his pocket. He scrolled through his camera roll until clicking on a picture.

"How the fuck did you score a man like him?" I asked as I looked at the picture, amazed

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"How the fuck did you score a man like him?" I asked as I looked at the picture, amazed.

"I think you're forgetting that we aren't not famous. The Choi family is also known very well just not you. Because, you know, you're gay and mom thinks that would be a bad image." He explained. I had honestly forgot.

"Well you're apparently not straight either." I said with a laugh.

"I'd just rather you not tell mom." He said.

"I won't. But I would love for you to marry Jaebum in a few years and then tell mom. It would be really funny." I said.

"It would. I doubt we'll get married though. We aren't even dating. We've just had sex a few times." He said.

"Do you like him?" I asked.

"I guess. I have feelings for him, but they aren't that strong." He said.

"Yet." I said.

"I would really love to have Jaebum as a brother in law though." I said and Youngjae slapped my arm.

"I'll try." He said.

I looked at the time and it was already 5. I had homework to do.

"I have stuff to do now. By the way I've always hated your girlfriend, no offense." I said as I started to walk away.

"That was rude!" He yelled at me as I walked up the stairs.



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