November 20, 2014

349 14 9

So I've been meaning to update since its been a while since I've written a real update.

Well I can't remember my last update so I apologize if I repeat anything or miss anything.

So I moved. Its a pretty big house. Its nice, I like it. There's a lemon tree, two tangerine trees and there's two avocado trees but they don't have fruit on them.

So far things are going great. And yet my depression is right about how it was when I first realized I'm transgender. I don't understand. My life is good for once and yet I'm cutting all the time. I feel like an asshole who's picking every little bad thing out of their life but I don't even know why I'm sad. I'm fine and healthy and I have great friends but I just want to die.

I'm sorry guys. I honestly don't even know what I'm apologizing for either. But I don't know. I don't know where this update is going but you guys wanted something and its short and depressing but here.

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