So some things have happened since the last time I updated.
I don't know if I told you guys when Aiden and I broke up but yeah that happened. I also ended up with another guy and I really liked him a lot and I liked him for a long time but it ended up only lasting four days which kinda sucks because the past like week hasn't really been too great but I guess its fine.
I honestly really started writing this entry though because I had like a mini mental spaz attack because I realized school is coming up soon. And I'm gonna have to get up early and be around people that I don't like all day and then when I get home I'm gonna get shit from my family for everything because thats how it always is.
I really shouldn't even be freaking out this bad because everyone has to do the same thing but I just reslly don't want to deal with asshole, bias teachers who don't fucking care and kids interrogating me about my name. I just want to be able to tell kids my name is Aryn and them not question it and tell me I'm wrong. I know what my fucking name is!
Ugh, now I'm just starting to get mad. On the first day of school there's a possibility that I'm going to throw a fit. I really don't want to do this again. I don't want to be scared anymore. I don't want to try and sneak through the halls. Or have to take a piss and hold it all day long because I'm terrified of the bathrooms and what might happen when the wrong guys walk in.
Maybe I should stop this journal. I kind of realized a while ago that all I do is rant on here but I literally have no where else. I don't have anyone to talk to anymore. I'm just lonely but thats probably kind of obvious.
My Journal
No FicciónI'm just a transboy looking for a way to get my feelings out. If you don't respect or don't like anything lgbt+, mogai, non binary, or queer--please leave. This journal may be helpful for some people who are new to the queer community or who are thi...