Chapter 11

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Ariana's POV

As I pull up to the Frontal Gannon Hotel, I am amazed. It looks like a castle. It's so beautiful. I pay the taxi then head inside. It looks like castle on the inside too. Shiny wooden floors, multiple diamond chandeliers, and sued couches. When I look around all I see are men, women, and children dressed in expensive looking clothes and jewelry. It makes me feel so out of place here. I look at my phone for the time. It reads 6:50pm. I'm early, but I don't see Bart anywhere. I decide to call him. The phone rings multiple times, and he doesn't pick up.

"Ariana, you're here early." I turn around and find Bart standing behind me.

"Oh hi, yeah I know. The cab ride was short." I say as we hug.

"Shall we?" He says holding his arm out. "We shall." I link my arm in his and he leads me to another room.

As we enter the room, its dark and gloomy, but just enough light to see each other. The room has a long circular table in the middle and there 4 other men sitting at it. I take my seat and so does Bart.

"So, miss Ariana, I believe we're here to talk about you joining Magcon?" One of the guys in a blue and black suit says.

"Yes I am. What's your name?" I ask him. He extends his hand across the table. "I'm Mr. Salinger." We both shake each others hand.

"So I think that it would be great if you join. You have the pretty face, you're already kinda famous, and you would just be perfect for the group." My face lights up with joy when he says this.

"This is great, so I'm in?" I ask. He nods yes. "Thank you so much! This is the best day ever." I shake his, this time faster.

"We just need you to fill out some papers and your done." Bart says as he hands me the stack. I know all about people signing contracts and not being able to get out of bad deals, so I take my time reading. After I agree on everything the contract says, I sign, Bart buys me a drink from the bar, I call a cab, and get out of there.

I text Taylor while I'm in the cab.
Ariana: I'm in 4 sho! On my way home now
Tay: that's great, I'm so happy, hurry home

Taylors POV

I'm watching TV with Nash, Cameron, and Jack G, when I get a text. Its from Ariana.
Ariana: I'm on 4 sho! On my way home now

I can't believe she actually got in. Plenty of girls have tried to be in Magcon, but I guess non of them are as good as Ariana.
Me: that's great, I'm so happy, hurry home

"Guys, Ariana's in. She's in Magcon!" I yell. Cameron instantly looks up form the TV.

"Are you serious? For real?" He ask. "Yeah, isn't that great?" I yell again.

"That's awesome, we should throw her a party tonight." Jack G suggest.

"Yeah, I'll start calling people now." Cameron says. He steps in the guest room and makes the phone calls.

I hear a car pull up outside. I sprint outside and find Ariana stepping out of the cab. I run up to her and engulf her in a big hug.

"I'm so happy for you baby." I lift her into a hug and kiss all over her face as she smiles wide.

"Thank you, I can't believe it either." she says. I squeeze her tighter then put her down.

We look into each other eyes before we both began to lean in. We are just a out to kiss when we hear a cough.

Cameron's POV

I figure since the front door is open, Ariana might be here. I walk outside and see Taylor and Ariana about to kiss, not on my watch. I cough on purpose which interrupts them. Ariana runs up to me and hugs me. I lift her up and spin her around.

"I'm so happy for you." I tell her in her ear. Just as we're hugging, tons and tons of cars begin to pull up. People start to get out with bags of liquor and beer, and some people begin to blast music in their cars. I'm a little confused at first, but then I remember the party. "What's all of this?" Ariana asks while I put her down.

"This is a party for you." I say. Just when Ariana is about to go inside, all the boys come outside and shouts: "Congratulations Ariana!". She thanks them all and then runs and hugs them.

Ariana's POV

I run upstairs and change into some Mink Pink Slasher Flick Shorts, a Classic White Tank Crop Top, and some Jordan SC-3 Basketball shoes. I take my hair down and let it fall to my butt. I run downstairs and accidentally bump into Jack G.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there." I apologize. He nods a yes.

"Its okay. Congratulations babe." I'm kinda confused about him calling me babe, but I let it slide.

"Um, thanks. Are you enjoying the party so far?" I ask. He looks so sexy right now. I just want to kiss him all over.

"Yeah, how about I show you something?" I agree and we both go upstairs to his room. He closes and locks the door behind us. He closes the curtains too.

"Look." Jack goes under his bed and pulls out a black box. When he opens it he pulls out two hookers, a plastic bag, with what I'm guessing, weed in it, a black and red bong, and green lighter. "You ever done this before?" I shake my head no. He smiles a sexy smile. "Let's have our own little party.". He puts the weed in the bong and then lights it. He gets a tube and sucks the smoke in. He blows some of the smoke on me. "You gotta try this." He hands me the tube. I examine it before I put it to my lips. I inhale all the smoke I can, before blowing it on Jack. I suddenly feel dizzy, and things start to get a little hazy. Now Jack kinda looks like an alien. I laugh a bit.

"Its kickin' in." Jack says. He takes another drag and then begins to smile with me.

After about 10 minutes of smoking, I get really hungry. My stomach starts to hurt.

"Hungry" is the only thing I can manage to say. Jack scoots off the bed.

"I got it." Both of our eyes are red as hell. Jack leaves out. In a matter of 5 minutes, he's back with a shitload of snacks. "Yess!" I yell. I spring up off the comfortable bed and run towards Jack. I grab a bag of Plain Lays and some chocolate granola bars.

Hayes POV

The party is turnt up so far. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who knows that Ariana and Jack are missing. I check all the rooms, but I don't see them. As soon as I walk past Jack's room, I hear Ariana giggle. I knock on the door but no one opens it, so I slide an old credit card through the lock. I open Jacks room door and a cloud full of smoke hits me in my face.

"Uh oh." I say to myself. I rush in Jacks room and shut the door. If anyone saw this and took pic and posted it, we'd be in huge trouble.

"Jack what the fuck?!" I yell. Ariana is lying in his bed laughing at the ceiling and stuffing her face with Lays. I try to snatch the weed and lighter away but Jack stops me.

"Here, try it." Jack say holding a tube out for me to take.

I push it away. "No jack, we can get in serious trouble." Jack continues to hold it out. I want to take a bit, but I don't know. What if Nash finds out? Id have to go live back with my mom. Well, people says its great, I've never tried it, the door is closed, and I have nothing to loose, so what the hell? I take the tube and inhale. Wow, this is good.

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