Chapter 15

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Taylor's POV

The only thing I've been thinking about since the M&G, is how I'm gonna get Ariana back. She's been drooling all over Cameron lately. He took all the hate from the "Cariana" joke pretty seriously. I never thought that Cameron, out of all people, would give into the hate, but he did. Me on the other hand, I get hate all the time. I just don't give a fuck. But I'll say one thing. Since I've been with Magcon, it doesn't really let me do what I wanna do. I'm not the only one who feels this way, most of the boys do. Were not allowed to have girlfriends, and we can't do or say certain things. We can't follow certain people on our social media's. Basically what I'm saying is that I'm not really happy in Magcon. Ariana was the one trace of happiness I had, and Mahogany screwed that all up.

"Hey." I say awkwardly to Ariana as she rushes by me to her room.

She stops and backs up. "Hey. What's up?" She asks.

"I'm good, just chillin." I really don't want to say anything to her because I'm afraid I might say something stupid.

"Yeah, well cool." She says. Damn this.

"Fuck it." I say. I pull her by her waist and her body crashes into mine, our lips collide in an instant. I kiss her, but for some reason she doesn't kiss back. I kiss her once more, and then she kisses back.

"I miss you and I'm sorry. I didn't want any of that shit to happen but it did and I'm sorry." I say as I kiss her neck.

"Look, it wasn't your fault OK. It was a misunderstanding." She says. I'm happy she understands what really happened.

"Thanks for understanding." I give her a long hug. Wow, she is really understanding, its scary. "Are you sure you're okay?" I ask. She shakes her head yes. "Where are you going dressed like this?" I ask. She has on a big sun hat, a red bikini top, and some short jean shorts.

She smiles. "Cam and I are going to the beach." She says excitingly. So that's why she wouldn't kiss be back at first, and when she did, it felt forced.

I drop my head. "Oh, well do you like him?" I really hope she says no. She's been my happiness so far in this house, and Cameron knowns how much I like her. It would be really fucked up for him to take her away from me.

"I don't know. He's nice, and I guess I may like him a tad bit... I just don't know." She say. A single tear falls from my eye. I knew it. I knew this day would come. I wish I would have made her mine earlier, now its too late.

"Hey, look at me." Ariana lifts my chin and we look each other in the eyes. "Its not too late you know.".

"Yes it is. I should have told you this earlier but.... Ariana I love you." I say. I've been feeling this for a long time, and I'm glad that I've finally told her.

"Taylor I-" she begins to cry. I pull her into a tight hug. "Taylor I love you too.".

Ariana's POV

I can't believe Taylor told me he loved me. I think that I've been so blind from thinking that I might actually like Cameron or Gilinsky, that I've been oblivious to the fact that I've been in love with Taylor the whole time. Every since I got here about two months ago, I've been crazy about Taylor, but I've also been exploring my options with Cameron and Gilinsky. I thought I saw love when I looked into Cameron's eyes, and maybe I did, but I feel like Taylor is the one for me. He's always has been.

"I've always loved you." I say as I hug him back tighter.

"I'm sorry for crying like this, I'm such a pussy." Taylor says laughing and whipping his tears. I laugh too. I began to laugh harder at the fact that I'm in love with the one and only, Taylor Caniff, and he loves me back. He begins to laugh when he realizes what I'm laughing at.

"I know, I can't believe it either." He says.


"Cameron I can't go with you to the beach." I tell him. Taylor is standing outside Cameron's room door listening in.

"Taylor?" He asks smiling.

I smile back. I feel a little bad for kissing Cameron. I feel like I've led him on, only to let him down.

"I'm sorry that I kissed you and made you feel something for me. I guess I felt the same thing, but I love Taylor." I really don't know how to explain it but I hope he understands.

"Its OK, I get it. Young love." He says. We both hug each other, and I leave.

Jack G's POV

I can't believe this. Taylor loves Ariana.

"She told you that?" I ask Cameron just to make sure I was hearing him correct.

"Dude, she loves him, without a doubt. He loves her as well. Like damn, I really thought her and I had a chance, or even her and you, but I was wrong." He explains. Damn, I kinda liked Ariana, but I guess Taylor is the guy for her. It doesn't even matter anymore. None of this will after I tell all the boys what I heard.

I call all of the boys downstairs. I also call Mahogany over. We all gather in the living room.

"Guys, something serious is really going on." Everyone pays close attention. "Magcon is over." I tell them. Everyone just says what and what do you mean.

"Guys, we have no freedom." Taylor chimes in. He is right, too. We can't do anything because Bart and other head people over Magcon is afraid that it might damage our image. "Look, how many people are we allowed to follow on Twitter and Instagram?" Taylor asks.

"Only 50." Matt says.

"Wait 50? I can only follow 27." Matt says.

"I'm only allowed to follow 60." Shawn says.

"Okay, and who can we follow?" Taylor ask.

"Well at my meeting, Bart told me that we are only allowed to follow-" Ariana begins to say.

"People of the business and two major fan accounts." Everyone says in unison

"Right, I can't even follow my mom. And were not allowed to have girlfriends, we can't even go to parties." Shawn says.

"I'm just gonna tell you guys the truth. I haven't been happy, like at all. I've been miserable. I dont think Magcon has given me a chance to be who I really want to be. I like doing stupid and crazy shit bro. But I can't cause it might "tarnish my image". I just wanna be myself. The only trace of happiness I've had, is Ariana." He says.

Ariana's POV

"The only trace of happiness I've had, is Ariana." Taylor is too sweet. He connect my hand with his. "I love you." He finishes. Everyone looks shocked except for Jack G and Cameron.

"He's right, I don't think I've reached my full potential with Magcon either." Nash says.

"Well I don't know all the things that were said, all I know was that Bart was talking with Mr. Calligner and he said something like 'Magcon isn't gonna be forever'. That's all I know. We just need to talk to Bart in the morning." Gilinsky states. Everyone is pretty much in shock right now. I've only been in Magcon for like two weeks and its already ending.

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