Chapter 23

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Ariana's POV

"Hey Ariana, I want you to meet our friend Sammy." Wow! Sammy is really cute. "Ariana? Ariana?" I hear Jack J calling. I snap out of my thoughts and look at Sammy.

"Hey, you can call me Sam." He surprisingly pulls me into a hug.

"Okay, you can call me Ari." I smile at him when he pulls away, but he keeps his arms around my waist.

Sam nods his head yes. "You are really cute." He says. I instantly begin to blush.

"Okay, that's enough." Jack and Cameron pull me away from Sam, while Jack J pulls Sam away from me. "What dude, she's hot." I hear Sammy tell Jack.


The first day of school was good I guess. I hung out with the guys and Sam. Speaking of Sam, he gave me his number, and he flirted with me all day. Every time him and I would try to carry on a conversation, one of the guys would come and pull either me or him away. I thinks he's supposed to be coming over today to hang out with us.

"Truth or Dare, or Spin the bottle?" Nash asks everyone as we sit in the circle. Sammy is also here, and he's sitting beside me, Jack G is on the other side of me. Half of us choose spin the bottle, and the other half chooses truth or dare.

"Fine, we'll do both." Sam declares. His arm snakes around my waist, and he pulls me closer to him.

"Okay Jack J, you're first." Jack spins and empty beer bottle and it lands on Nash. "OK, Nash, truth or dare?" He asks. Of course Nash chooses truth, he's such as softie. "Fine, is it true that you like Mahogany?" He asks. Everyone knows that Nash has a thing for Mahogany, he just keeps denying it.

"Maybe, maybe not." He says smirking. Nash gets the bottle next and spins it. It spins a couple of times before finally landing!? Uh oh, this should be interesting. "Truth or dare?" He asks.

"Dare, duh." I laugh.

"OK badass, I dare you and, um.....Sam, to go in the back room and make out." He says.

"Okay." I stand up, and grab Sammy's hand, pulling him up with me. Sam and I go up to my room, and into my closet.

"Look we don't have to make out." I say to him as we stand there awkwardly.

"Yeah, I kinda have a girlfriend." He laughs scratching the back of his head. I should have known a hottie like him would already be dating someone else.

"Oh, well that's cool too." I say trying to be funny, but I just make it more awkward. "I used to date Taylor, but he cheated me." I say laughing.

"How is that funny?" He asks smiling.

"Because, he doesn't know what he's lost." Sam and I both begin to laugh. "Dude, the funny thing is, I thought we were actually in love." I laugh harder.

"Wanna know something twice as funny?" Sammy asks me. I shake my head yes. "OK, my girlfriend Lindsay is cheating on me right now, and she doesn't know that I know." He begins laughing harder and so do I. "She cheats on me with him at school, and they go in dates at a cafe right down the street from my house." He cracks up.

"What a dumb bitch!" I laugh harder.

"3minutes! Get busy!" Carter yells. Sammy and I's laughter die down.

"Why won't you confront her?".

"I'm waiting on the right time." He simply replies. "So what do you say?" He asks holding his arms out. "Wanna make out?" He says as he drops them.

I nod my head yes. Sammy picks me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist. His hand slide from my lower back to my butt. Our lips move in perfect sync. I open my mouth a bit for Sammy to stick his tongue in. Once he does, his tongue explores every inch of my mouth. My tongue does the same to his mouth. I can feel Sammy's member getting hard. "Sammy?" I breath out.

"Huh?" He answers as he begins to gently kiss and suck my neck, maybe leaving a hicky or two. "Maybe we should get back downstairs?" I suggest. He nods his head, and slowly let's me down. We kiss a couple of more times before going back downstairs. I'm not gonna lie. I kinda felt something while Sam and I were making out, but I don't know what it is yet. But I wanna find out.

Sammy's POV

After truth or dare and spin the bottle, combined, I went home.

"Jack, I swear to god, I felt electricity when we were kissing. Dude I wanted to just rip all her clothes off and fuck her." I confess to Jack J.

"Dude, that's, wow. What about Lindsay? Are you gonna confront her?" He asks.

"Not yet. But I think I might like Ariana. I'm not sure." Maybe I do like her, maybe I was just caught in the moment, which I highly doubt.

"Dude, I think Gilinsky likes her, so does Cameron, and shit, Taylor still loves her. What are you gonna do?" He asks. Damn, I don't know they liked her, let alone loved her.

"I'll just wait it out." I tell him.

"Yeah, like how your doing Lindsay?" He says chuckling. I know he had that stupid ass smile on his ugly ass face.

"Look bro, fuck you." I laugh a bit. "I'm gonna end it with that cheating bitch, and then I'm gonna see where it goes with Ari." I say.

Ariana's POV

The guys and I decide to go down to the basement to play some video games. When we walk past Carters room, we gear Carter and Cameron yelling at each other.

"She's my girlfriend!" Carter yells.

"Dude, she's using you, why can't you see that?!" Cam yells back.

They can only be talking about one person.

Maggie Lindemann

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