Chapter 14

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Taylors POV

We all went shopping yesterday day after practice. We decided on the color black.

Today is Magcon. I'm so nervous. I don't know what my fans will say or how they're gonna react when they see me in person. The pic of Mahogany and I are all over the internet. God, why would she do that?! She's such a bitch sometimes!

The first people to go out onstage are Mahogany and Ariana. When Ariana hits the stage, the whole room goes crazy. People barely care about Mahogany, but some people still scream her name.

The next to go out onstage are Cameron and then I. As soon as I walk on stage the fans go crazy. Cam comes out behind me and they go even crazier. I go and stand beside Mahogany so I can get a reaction out of the fans. They all scream "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Mahogany and I shake our heads. "No guys, were just friends." I say politely into the microphone. All the fans begin to say awe and Mahogany and I laugh and then bump fists. She goes to her DJ stand and I stay in the middle of the stage with Cam and Ariana. They are both acting goofy.

"We ship Cariana!" One fan yells. All the fans begin to scream even louder. "Cariana! Cariana! Cariana!" They yell. Soon all the boys come out, and the place get crazier. Man I love the fans.

Ariana's POV

Well we decided on the color black. When we go shopping I buy Cello Black Sailor High-Waisted Skinny Jeans, I get a Black Magcon Crop Top, and some Black Street-chic Lace up Platform Booties. When I got home I got changed, flat ironed my hair, put on my Black Polo Bucket Hat, and we all left.

The fans are going crazy. All the boys and I are on stage being silly, being ourselves. I hear a couple of the girls shout out cute nicknames like: "Cariana (Cameron and Ariana), Mariana( Matt and Ariana), Nariana( Nash and Ariana), Hariana( Hayes and Ariana) , and Tariana ( Taylor and Ariana)." The fans are great.

After acting crazy and dancing on stage with some of the fans, we go to our tables. The fans sit in seats in front of us and ask questions or just tell us to do stuff.

"Cameron, say "I love Adrian!" One girl shouts. "I love you Adrian." He says smiling. I can tell that when the boys do stuff like this it makes them happy. Making their fans happy makes them happy.

"We love Cariana!" A group of girls in the back screams. Cam and I are sitting in the middle of Jack and Taylor. We both look at each other and smile at the same time. The whole crowd says "Awww.".

After all the girls and some boys take pictures with us and ask us a couple of questions, Shawn performs and so does Jack and Jack. Just as we are rapping up the M&G, Cameron grabs a microphone.

"I just want everyone to know that Cariana is real!" Cameron laughs and all the fans go crazy. Taylor then gets heated and snatches the microphone away from Cameron. "No its not, Tariana is real." All the fans continue to scream and shout. "Jariana is the realist!" Jack shouts at the top of his lungs. All the fans go even crazier. I'm just laughing and looking shocked at the same time. "Actually Cariana is real. Want me to prove it?!" Cam says. All the fans scream yes. Cameron comes up to me and gives me a light kiss on my cheek. All the fans begin to fall on the floor crying, some begin to hyperventilate. The ambulance gets called for some of the girls, but hey, the show must go on.


Later after Magcon, Cameron puts on twitter that he was just joking about "Cariana" and that he was sorry for the commotion that he cause.

"Cameron, it was just a joke. Don't beat yourself up over it." I tell him. He's been getting a lot of hate for it. So have I. Its not like I really care about what they are saying, its just that I don't see how people can hate on someone they don't even know. I believe Cameron feels the same way. I don't think it's fair to any of the boys to get hate for just being themselves.

"I know, its just that......well in all my vines and YouTube videos, I'm talking about being strong and not letting the hate get to you, when the whole time, the hates been eating away at me. I just can't take it anymore." Cameron breaks down crying I'm my arms. I get up and close the door to his room. I cradle him in my arms and cry with him.

"Its OK, just know this. I know the hate breaks you down, but you have to pretend like it doesn't." I say as I look in his eyes.

He looks at me kinda confused. "What do you mean?" He asks.

"You know when people say "The more you pretend to be somebody that you're not, eventually that's who you become?". He shakes his head yes. "Well if you pretend that you don't care, eventually you won't. You'll laugh at them, cause deep down you'll know that you really don't give a fuck and that it isn't true." I laugh little at my last remark. He chuckles a little too.

"Your right. I shouldn't care what people say cause I know its not true." I shake my head yes. "Thanks Ariana, for everything." He gives me a hug.

"Yeah, if you ever need anything, I'm right here." We hug one last time. As I make my way to his door to leaves he tells me wait.

I turn around quickly. "Yeah?" I ask. He gyet up and walks towards me.

"I do need one thing." He says as he stands closely in front of me.

"Sure, what is it?" I ask. Even though I kinda know exactly what he's gonna say, but I want him to tell me.

"I want...." He looks me up and down. He cups my cheek in his hand and caresses it with his thumb. He puts his thumb on my lips and rubs them gently. He trail his thumb from my lips, down my chest, in between my breast, and then down to my stomach. He looks me into my eyes. He bends down and whisper in my ear. "I want you." He says. He instantly begins kissing my neck softly.

"Cameron." I moan as he kisses my hot spot. "Uhh, Cam I-"

"You said if I needed anything. I need you." He kisses my neck vigorously. "I want you so bad." He says. I can feel his member on my inner thigh. I can't help it anymore. I've been waiting to kiss him for the the longest. Even though I was sorta with Taylor, I've been waiting on Cameron to tell me this since we first looked at each other.

"I wand you too." I say. Cameron lips move to my jaw and then my lips.

"Say you need me." He demands through our passionate kisses. I give in.

"I need you." I tell him. Our lips our moving together. I can feel him smiling.

"Go get changed in your bathing suit and meet me truck in 10 minutes." he says between long kisses. I shake my head as we kiss. "Okay."

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