(S.W) Love isn't a game

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Sam Winchester x Reader | Love isn't a game

Word Count: 1355

You took your car around the block a few times before your stomach groaned due to the lack of food. You'd been stressed recently, what with the vampire nest up and leaving, your Dad not answering his phone calls, and this feeling you got when you were around Sam.
You'd been around Sam since you were both kids, running around and having a laugh. But as much as you enjoyed playing games with him as a child, Sam Winchester now brought out a different feeling in you and it was one you claimed to hate.
After your tyres skid in the parking lot of the motel, waking up or interrupting the temporary neighbours, you slammed your door shut and jogged over to the vending machine which sat only a couple of doors from the room you were sharing with the boys. You stuck your hand in your pocket and dug around for some change after pushing in the number of the snack you wanted. A flamin' hot packet of Cheetos. You were so hungry but so tired, you could barely be bothered to put the change in one by one, but you'd do anything for food. So there you stood for what felt like forever in a motel parking lot, waiting for the coil to drop your darn Cheetos so you could get a can of Mountain Dew from the other vending machine.
"Hey, Y/n! What are you doing out here?" You heard the gentle and yet booming voice of the youngest and yet tallest brother. A lot of things in their life were hypocritical and contradictory. It was just something you got used to.
"Waiting for Cheetos." You said, barely above an angry mutter. You heard a chuckle from behind you as you glared at the metallic demon torturing you with it's extremely slow speed.
"Hey, if I give you change can you grab me a couple of Mountain Dews from the vending machine over there?" Sam shook his head in disapproval but agreed anyway. He took the change from your hand and made his way to complete his newly assigned mission.
After the long wait, the two of you took your goodies and slammed the motel door open, scaring the crap out of Dean.
"Son of a Bitch! What the hell man?"
"For your own good it was." You claimed with your Yoda-like wisdom.
"I'll never understand how you could enjoy such a scientifically incorrect movie." Sam began to preach his scientific knowledge on the inaccuracies of the films, but you ignored him and went to sit on one of the beds with your 3DS at hand... and of course the snacks and Mountain Dew. They could never be forgotten.
"Watcha playing there?" Dean asked nosily.
"Well I was playing Pokemon: X if you really had to know."
"Yeah well guess what?" You glared at him, waiting for an answer. "I have no idea what that is." He grinned and sat at a table with his duffel bag spread out all over it.
You stuck out your tongue at his turned head then went back to your video games.
Later, Sam came over and sat on your bed trying to watch you play Super Smash Bros.
"It's a relatively good console, you should get one!" His face seemed uneasy. "It has so many games you can buy!" You squeezed your lips tight together in a straight line waiting for some kind of a response. Some time went by, longer than a minute where he just sat and dazed off. You could practically see the cogs turning in his head. Dean had left a few minutes ago to grab some beers at the bar.
"Sam," you began slowly, placing a hand on his shoulder to grab his attention. "You okay?"
He ran a hand through his hair and threw his concentration back to you.
"I really like you." He said abruptly. "I mean... I love you."
"You're really funny, you know that?" You giggled. He took your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. "No Y/n, I really love you!"
"You're playing games with me right?" Your giggling fading away as you began to see the seriousness in his eyes.
"Y/n, love isn't a game. The way I feel for you, it's unlike anything I've ever had."
You knew that was a lie, he loved Jessica more than anyone, he told you that himself, but you appreciated being in the top few.
"Do I remind you of her?" You said, breaking the silence.
"Jessica, do I remind you of her." You put on a gentle smile so he knew you weren't uncomfortable talking about her.
He looked down towards his hands that lay in his lap, one of yours tucked tightly between his, nodding slightly. You loved how emotional he was, he wasn't afraid to show how he truly felt with you, unlike his older brother Dean who would sit in a bar and drink the hardships away after a long day of work.
"You don't have to be scarce to think about her. I know how much you loved her, she was your first love, first choice, first everything. She was torn from you, you didn't choose it." You paused. "I know you miss her, and that I'm second choice. But I'll do everything in my power to make you feel the way you did with her. A full loving relationship seems like a good idea to me." You smiled. You lifted his chin for him to look at you and he gave a sad smile. That smile that said "I know it's tough right now, but I'll be ok"
"You know, I suppose that I love you too. But I have some conditions..." He groaned. "It's just one small thing."
"We buy you a DS and we play together."
"Please!" You begged.
"Okay, fine." You first bumped the air. "But i also have one condition."
"I'm allowed to kick Dean's ass if he comments." You pretended to have to think about it making him laugh when you came to a decision.
"Deal!" You stuck out your hand for him to shake to finally seal the deal, but instead he took your hand and used it to yank you forward and tackle you into a cuddle.
"Sam, I can't breathe!" You squealed as he rolled around the bed with you in his arms until the both of you paused. Sam's back was on the bed and you were straddled over the top of him, your bright laughter drifting away as a sense of seriousness began to take over. You gazed into his eyes which had a sparkle much different from the one he usually wore.
"What?" He asked quietly, a hint of amusement in his voice. You smirked down at him and got closer, using your forearms to hold yourself up but he pulled your body to his and forced himself up enough to kiss you. Your lips joined softly and the motions were gentle, contradictory to your emotions which were everywhere and incredibly messy.
You had to haul yourself from him just to tell him what you always wished you could say to him and know that he felt the same way.
"I love you, Sam." He smirked as he yet again pulled you closer too him.
"Just kiss me." He grinned before passionately joining your lips together.
"Woah woah woah, what the hell did I walk in on?"
"Dean!" Sam exclaimed, pushing himself off of you and sitting up like nothing happened.
"Hey, don't worry little bro." Dean winked. "If you hadn't claimed her I might just have stolen her." He cackled, walking over to the table that he'd laid the contents of his duffel bag on before, sifting through his weapons and making sure they were all reloaded and the blades were clean.
"Sorry about that," Sam whispered, taking your hand in his and stroking it softly with his thumb.
"Don't worry about it. It's just another day with the Winchester's." You smiled, pecking his lips once more.


Hello my fellow Supernatural fans!
I admit, this wasn't my best, but I promise that better ones will be coming soon. How soon I have no idea due to exams but if you see a title in the contents that you like then feel free to whack me upside the head and ask for me to put it on my list of wattpad priorities (or they'll never get done heh)

AnywY, good-nidally-night my lovelies (it good-medally-morning)

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