(S.H) ft. (D.H) It's a cute name!

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Steve Harrington x Reader. Ft. Dustin Henderson

"Watcha doing?" You asked, zipping around the car to sit by the driver's door.

"Jesus, Y/n!"

"Jesus? Where?" You spun around and looked off into the distance.

"Yeah, yeah. Real funny."  Steve said, pushing his door open further and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you backwards and into the car.

You let out a scream, kicking your legs in the air and laughing, later calming down and leaning into him.

"So," he sighed, resting his chin on your shoulder. "What's got you in such a good mood?"



"Yeah! You know, big scary looking Steve's roaming the lands."

He hummed in response, unimpressed.

"You're acting just like the kids now." He mumbled nonchalantly.

"Oh, am I?" You challenged, turning your head up to him as far as you could go and placing a big playful kiss on his jawline - the furthest you could reach.

He gave you a cheeky grin.

"Yes, yes you are." He smiled down at you and placed a softer kiss on your lips. After a few long and intoxicating seconds you pushed him away and turned back to face the parking lot.

"But regardless, Steve-o. Monsters."


"Real genuine Monsters."

He paused for a second until the lightbulb flicked on.

"The upside down?" He muttered at you. You nodded.
"And you didn't think to tell me until now?" You shrugged and folded your arms.

"It wasn't important."

Steve scoffed.

"Wasn't important? If there are monsters running around I'd sure like to know about it!"

"Well there aren't any. Yet."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Look, just come over to Dustin's, he has... something to show us. All of us."

"Is this about his missing cat?"

"I'm not sure. So grab that bat of yours and let's jump to it!"



"Dustin!" You and Steve cried out in unison. You wondered around while Steve held his bat close behind, stepping lightly across the flakey autumn leaves looking for Dustin.

"Dee, where you at?" You joked when you heard the click of the shed door behind you.

"Guys, guys. Oh my God! The basement, it's in the basement!" He stepped out stiffly wrapped in what looked like armour.

"Looking like a graceful knight in... leathery armour." You mocked. He rolled his eyes in response and his demeanour switched from fearful to determined.

"Y/n, this is not the time for jokes, complements, anything at all, other than what's in the basement!"

"Is it your cat?"

"It ate it."

"What?!" Steve wailed.

"Shhhhh!" Dustin shushed him then pulled the torch from your hands.

"Hey, that was my only defence!"

"Well now it's mine."

"You have armour, that's not fair!" You moped, crossing your arms leaning towards your boyfriend for attention.

"Steve, get in there."

"Why me?" You and Dustin eyed his bat.

"Well one, dear husband, is you have the bat." You began.

"And you're the oldest." Dustin followed.

"And you're my big strong man." You batted your eyelids and Steve felt a strong stench of sarcasm. "Protect me dear prince, save me from the beast!"

Both Steve and Dustin were unimpressed. Dustin appeared to be almost embarrassed while Steve just rolled his eyes.

"Can we please just take a gander at the monster in my basement!" Dustin ushered.

"Fine, fine. Open it up. You guys stay here until I say so." You both nodded.


You stole the torch from Dustin's distracted grip.


Steve rolled the bat in his hands.


He let out an enormous battle cry as he leapt through the opening basement doors.

Then there was an intense silence. For too long. You shone the torch down the stairs and called after him, but there was no response. You glanced at Dustin who seemed as worried as you were.

Step by step you inched closer towards the stairs, moving down the steps one by one. Your toes barely scraped the last step when you let out a shrieking scream.

Dustin immediately followed after you to find you were hitting your boyfriend on the arm.

"That is not funny!" You yelled, smacking him over and over while he laughed himself out of breath.

"What the hell happened?" Dustin asked. "Where's my monster?!" He fell into a panic and ran about the room until tripping over something gooey.

"Dustin, you okay?" You asked, a motherly concern laced in your voiced. You shone to torch at his feet and sucked in scream.

"What the hell is that?"

Dustin turned to look at his feet.

"He's getting bigger..." he whispered to himself, but you heard anyway.

"What do you mean 'he's getting bigger', whats getting bigger?" Steve pushed his way towards Dustin and grabbed his shoulders.

"Are you saying it shed it's skin? Because that's a lot of skin." You said, pointing to the slop on the floor.

Dustin shook off Steve's hands and ran for the light, flipping the switch and turning it on, scanning the room and finding a hole in wall at the very corner of the room.

"This thing broke the wall. The extremely thick concrete wall?"

"That thing has a name."

"A name?!" Steve yelled.

"Dart." He elaborated.

"Aw that's cute!"

"You can't be serious." Steve looked at you, an incredulous look plastered on his face.

"What? It's a cute name!" You justified innocently. Steve rolled his eyes at your antics and walked out of the basement.

"It's a cute name." You nodded at Dustin, patting him on the shoulder and trailing behind your boyfriend who was sighing and grunting and mumbling to himself all the way to his car, dragging his nail bat across the ground.

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