(G) Kaer Morhen

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'Come on Ciri. Up, do it again.' The girl sent a glare your way but spoke no further, pushing herself up off of her feet and dusting off her tattered uniform. It hung loosely in all the wrong places and was undoubtedly uncomfortable, but despite your womanly attributes - sewing and the tailors art was definitely not one of them. Fortunately, to some extent, Vesemir was able to sew something together that clothed and kept her warm in the nearing winter.
'Again.' You repeated. 'Don't give me that look, Vesemir and the others are only making you do this so you can protect yourself.'

'Considering what I've been through I'd say I handle myself quite well...' she muttered, with the intention of it never reaching your ears.

'For a princess you're not very respectful.' You mused, watching as she jumped around the pendulum.

'For a subject you're not very respectful towards royalty.'


Ciri, found by Geralt, was brought here to Kaer Morhen - home to the infamous Witchers, but long ago it fell to ruins. That's all you were told about this mysterious place, the truth behind it being too painful for even Geralt to discuss.

'Princess.' Began Lambert, winding his way through the trees and bushes. Both you and Ciri glanced at one another as she jumped from the pendulum and situated herself beside you, waiting on Lamberts instructions, despite already having an idea as to the task he'd set about for her today.

'The Killer trail.' He said. 'Off you go.'

Ciri nodded quickly and went on her way while you and Lambert watched from where you stood until she disappeared amidst the trees. After a long sigh you broke the silence.

'Do you not think you're being too hard on the girl. Even my training isn't this vigorous.'

Lambert shook his head in dismissal.

'Aye, but you're not training to be a Witcher.'

'And you think it's fair that she is?'

'Don't...' He snapped loudly before lowering his voice. 'It's not your place to decide that. It is Geralt's Child Surprise and he wishes her to be trained to the best of our ability — and the Witcher way is all we know.' You scoffed lightly, turning on your heel to return to the ruins you now call home. He opened his mouth once more but decided against it and instead went hunting for something to eat later tonight as he'd so previously intended to do.

Stepping through the woods, you were careful of the roots lining the floor in all sorts of patterns desperate to trip you up for some sort of entertainment, but you knew this forest fairly well, too well to allow some simple roots to get the better of you.

The trail back home was one filled with the beauty of the fallen leaves and the chilled breeze beneath the silver clouds, a sure sign of the nearing winter merely days away. But despite the forests beauty, skeletons of Kaer Morhen's lost still lay on the banks above the dirt. A glum reminder of the true history behind its fall.

After a long venture through the trees, a few hours later, you were coming up closer to home. You'd chosen to pluck some mushrooms and herbs for dinner after Lambert went to fetch the meat.
It's a shame he's insufferable, he'd make for genuine company. You thought, pushing through brambles and twigs.

Just a few meters away stood the stables of Kaer Morhen, and in them was Triss; the enchantress, magician, witch. Whatever you'd prefer to call her. She stood beside her steed, leading it through the door. Moments prior, you'd seen Geralt trudge through those same doors. It was a wonder what those two would be doing there . . . especially regarding their previous connections. You felt something pull at you to spy, and although you knew it was wrong, you couldn't help but feel intrigued. Why is she even here? You pondered, feeling your feet step quietly around the corner of the stable. You climbed a few blocks of stone and climbed onto the beams of the withering structure, and although you thought you were quiet and agile enough not to be noticed, Geralt spotted you through the corner of his eye but said and did nothing which indicated it. Of course, he was a Mutant, unlike Triss Merigold who was merely a dense witch, so you'd like to believe, so the slightest hint of someone's presence and he'd more than likely know about it.

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