(T.S) To Infinity And Beyond

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"Look, Pepper, can you just not pester me about this kind of stuff. I'm busy. Do whatever you think is best just leave me out if it." Pepper rolled her eyes and pulled the clipboard away from him, fed up with today's harassment's, she went back upstairs to finish her daily duties.

"Hey Pep." You called, marching into the house with a skip in your step.

"Hey, kid." She replied. Out of all the women Tony could possibly be invested in, she'd much rather it be you by his side - if that were to happen. Pepper and Happy had a behind the scenes bet going on, that she was sure on winning.

"Where's the dumbass of the century?" You pulled Pepper in for a hug then started going towards the basement.

"Basement as usual." Pepper mumbled, knowing full well that it was mostly a rhetorical question. It was the best way to complain subtly about the philanthropists antics.

"Tony!" You yelled as you ran down the stairs, skipping over the occasional step.

"Careful, you're gonna break a leg. I'm not paying either." He joked, mid focus on something he was doing.

"You haven't talked to me in so long!" You complained, walking over to him and peaking over his shoulder.

"That's because I'm busy."

"Too busy for me?"

"If I've not been talking to you for so long then yeah, too busy for you."

"You're not fun." You whined after a few quiet minutes.

"Just go wait outside or something I'll be there soon." He waved his hand towards the door, keeping his eyes focused, but you weren't having any of it. You wanted attention from your life long best friend and you wanted it now.

"Tony-" You whined once more, leaning over him and throwing your arms over his shoulders as he hunched down in a stool.

"Y/n, I'm really busy." He stated sternly.

"I'm not one of your butlers that run around after you, I'm me and me wants attention." You joked, pulling your arms tightly around him and leaning onto him.

"You know you're really ridiculous sometimes." He scoffed lightly and pushed you off him. "If you won't leave, go sit in the corner somewhere."

"I'm not a dog, Tony!" He turned to look at you once with an accusing glare. "And I'm not a bitch either!" You cracked your knuckles defensively and marched over to him.

"I didn't say a thing, you said it."

"I said I'm not."

"You still said it." He teased.

You tackled him off of his stool and you rolled around to gain control while you both were on the floor.

"If you wanted it to be like that then you could have just asked." His face became flirtatious and you punched his arm. "Ow, what was that for."

"Being a perv." You stated, standing up and offering him a hand.

"Oh, no. You can't call me a perv and think you're getting away with it." He commented with a challenging smirk, waiting for the lightbulb to click on in your head.

"No." You realised, stepping backwards only a few steps. He started to lift himself off of the ground forcing you to step further from him, and evil grin plastered on his face. "No, no!" And just like that, he was chasing you through the lab in his basement, his hands outstretched in a grabbing motion as you fled towards the garage opening. "Not today Tony!" You screamed, turning the sharp corner to get out of his sight.

"Y/n! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" He mused as you hid silently behind the corner. "Don't make me call Jarvis. Jarvis where is she?" He called to his digital butler.

"She appears to be,"

"Catch you later Tony!" You yelled as you flew passed him in an Iron Man suit. He stood, stunned for a moment and began panicking. Has she ever used the suit before?

"Jarvis, track her. And for the love of God, Don't let her do anything stupid." He commanded.

"Of course, sir."

Jarvis readied Tony's suit and he jumped in, flying off and following your location.

"Y/n, what are you doing? Come back down!" He demanded.

"Hey Tony, guess what!" You spoke excitedly through the comms. "I'm buzz lightyear, baby!" You laughed, pulling into a stupid pose mid air. "To infinity, and beyond!" You yelled as you giggled into the suit.

"You're insane."  Tony commented. "Can I say that?"

"We're lifelong best friends, Tony. Of course you can say that."

"Well then you're insane."

"It doesn't work like that if you already said it!" You spun around in the air, loving the slight trickle of breeze that seeped through the cracks in the suit, trailing goosebumps over every inch of skin it blew over. "I can see why you love these suits Tony. It feels like flying!"

"That, sweet cheeks, is because you are flying." He commented bluntly. "And as wonderful as it is to fly, hun, it's the landing part I'm more concerned with."

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