(L.L) Never in a Million Years

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"Loki? Loki what are you doing?" You stepped into your temporary quarters on Asgard to find your beloved packing your bag, stuffing everything inside as tightly as possible with a few of his own possessions.
"What, are we running away together?" You joke in a composed fashion but your stomach churns at the long awaited reply.
"No," He hesitates, clipping the bag closed. "No, love." His voice almost sounds . . . Solemn.
"Loki. I'm going to ask you again, what are you doing?"
"Y/n, please don't make this harder than it has to be." He sighs.
"Harder? What exactly 'has to be', Loki, what aren't you saying?"
He shakes his head, preparing for your disapproval on the subject, but it had to be done.
"You're going away for a while. A long while. Midgard, actually." If you didn't know him so well, you wouldn't have heard the quiver in his words, the way his nostrils flared as he forced himself to do something he very much hated.
"That's not very specific, love." You said, stepping closer towards him but he only moved further from you.
"We can't - we can't be together . . . Anymore." You froze and your heart dropped straight to your stomach. A sickness arose in you but not just that, but an unhealthy anger. You weren't sure if it were towards him or the idea, but something made him think this way. The two of you had been fine yesterday, why all of the sudden now?
"And why not." Your voice barely above a broken whisper. "Why can't we be together anymore?"
"Because you're not safe," he blurted. "I attract too much danger, danger so bad it could take the one thing I love most. So you're staying on Midgard, with your family, get a job, live a wonderful life far, far, from me." His eyes were glued to the floor just beneath your shoes, but shot to your eyes after you gave an unimpressed scoff.
"Excuse me?" His brows furrowed. "What gives you the right to tell me where I'm going and staying, Loki? Not you, I know that damn much. What threats pose such a danger to me, hm?"
"The Dark Elves,"
"They're dead."
"He's a Universal Problem."
"Frost Giants." He said sadly, glancing at his own hands. You shook your head and stepped lightly and quietly towards him, making him jump when you took a gentle hold of his bluing hand.
"Hey, it's okay." You gave him a genuine smile, to which he faintly returned. "No one knows you like i do, no one loves you without knowing the possible dangers. I know those dangers, I've considered every possible cause for my death or if something were to go wrong. But you have to understand that I would never leave you, never in a million years!"
"But you're safe that way, far away, on Midgard with the Avengers,"
"The Avengers can't love me like you can, Loki."
There was a long pause before he spoke again. Pushing the same idea and for some reason, you couldn't help but snap at him. You didn't have a tendency to snap at people, but this called for it.
"You are safe that way. Please, Y/n. Please, try to understand that -"
"That what? I'm safer without you? Is that what it is? What, because, with you there's always danger lurking around every corner, death looming behind every smile and splendid moment we share? Please, Loki. Do me a favour and stop spitting out the self pity all of the time! Stop delving, drowning even, into your bad history because that's just it, it's history. Sure, something may come back to bite you in the ass but I'll be there to get you through it just like you'll be there for me. Honestly when are you going to see that your life isn't as horrible as you so claim it to be, and it'll only makes things worse without me by your side."
"I'm sorry, I really am. But if anything happens -"
"If anything happens to me," you interrupt. "Then it'll be by your side after having spent the best moments with you. Don't delve so deep into your tragic past that you miss such an important part of your present and future, Love." He sat atop the sheets of the bed and you stood, hands wavering everywhere, a few feet from him. "Us!" You continued. "We work so well because we want to be happy. We've both been through a lot, different though they may be, it's too much and has bad consequences. We want to be happy, and with each other we are!" Loki stood from his spot and reluctantly stepped towards you, reaching out a hand. You thought he'd finally come to his senses, that you'd gotten through to him, but you were sorely mistaken. You now stood on the Rainbow Bridge, not too far from Heimdall.
Your eyes told him how disappointed you were in him for doing this. For tricking you just so you would be "safe". So you made a last attempt.

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