(G) Sweet Lovin'

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Gabriel x Reader | Sweet Lovin'

Five hundred years. That's how long it's been since the two of you saw each other. And now, here he was, stood only 2 feet before you.


"(Y/n)?" He wanted to hold you, to wrap his wings around you. You reached your hand out but pulled it back hesitantly.

"I'm sorry," You started, feeling tears begin to well up in your eyes.

"Hey, Sweetness. Don't be sorry." He smiled sadly, watching as a tear rolled down your cheek.

"I missed you so much." You sniffled, looking at the ground in attempt to distract yourself and your emotions.

"I missed you too, Kitten."

"You're never going to give up those silly nicknames are you?" A chuckle escaped your lips as they curled into a smile.

"Not ever." He confirmed. "Look, (Y/n), if you don't want to do this I can go?" He offered, reluctantly. He watched in glee as you shook your head and gathered your emotions. Finally your eyes connected. It was the last push for you to race into his arms.

And there it was, that warmth you'd felt all those years ago. You squeezed him between your arms and wings before he even had the chance to do the same. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and breathed in your scent.

"I really do love you." He mumbled against your skin.

"Shut up and love me idiot." You chuckled feeling as though God had finally let you be free.

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