(T.O) Normality & Its Secrets

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It was a quiet day, like any other of your days on Asgard. Thor was on Midgard with Loki so you had no one else to hang out with. You sit out on the field and watch the many clouds drift by in anticipation of his return.

You didn't depend on him, but he made you very happy. You enjoyed being alone and studying the many plants of the universe in your greenhouse made especially for you on Thor's orders. But he brought out that extrovert in you that you didn't even know existed. You felt loved and wanted when he was around, by someone other than your parents.

You lay back and allowed your fingers to brush through the gentle blades of grass as thin strands of your hair danced a long with the soft breeze. Your eyes fell closed as the sun disappeared against the horizon and you drifted off into a light slumber.

Thor had arrived back on Asgard, his Hammer loosely hanging from his wrist. He sported his wide smile as he greeted the citizens who were packing up stalls and hurrying their children inside, on his way to find you. He swung his hammer around as the lanterns lit themselves and his boots pressed against the cobbled streets.

He'd been waiting for too long to see you again and hurried towards the greenhouse, searching for a busy body amongst the plants but no matter which turn he took through the gargantuas greens, he couldn't seem to find you. It's where you normally were, so where else would you be?

As he peered out of the glossy windows and watched the horizon, it suddenly clicked in his mind. He stepped outside and swung his hammer about as he entered the skies, landing swiftly on the ground a little ways up the mountain - a spot you'd often escape to as children.

His hammer, once again, fell to his side and he placed it gently on the floor. He stepped, one by one, avoiding the heavy boulders that had accompanied them for many years, and made his way towards your resting form, but when he got to you he heard the light snores and realised you were asleep.

"Y/n," he whispered, chuckling to himself while you turned away from him. "Come on, wake up. You're going to miss the sunset." He coaxed, but you still hadn't budged. He sat beside you in the grass and rested his hands over his bent knees, checking over you once more.

Some stray hairs now enveloped your face and hid your features. Thor gently pulled the hair from your face and tucked it behind your ear, taking a good long second to admire you, a soft smile gracing his lips.

He mumbled sweet nothings on his way down to place a light kiss to your cheek but didn't expect for his light stubble to stir you, which it did, and now your hand was in his face, pushing away the irritant absentmindedly. He furrowed his brows and leaned over you, placing your hand down gently on your hip so he could see your entire face - maybe even annoy you so you'd wake up.

But you were now already awake, plotting an evil plan in your mind which you weren't so sure you'd be able to execute. His hand was sat in front of your stomach, on the grass, and his other was above your head, his arms bent as he hovered his face over yours, inching closer and closer until you were merely a small breath apart.

"Y/n," he whispered once more, before turning his head to glance at the vanishing sunset which was almost over. You took this chance to pounce forward and lick his cheek and you fell back in a fit of laughter after he pulled himself away almost immediately and wiping his cheek with his arm.

"How dare you!" He joked, tackling you and rolling you over.

"The mighty Thor has nothing on me!" You wailed, throwing your arms into the air in victory, only to pull them down seconds later when Thor pinched your hips and you fell to the side.

"That wasn't playing fair!" But you smiled at his glee filled expression as he laughed and mocked you. "Some almost-King you are." You smirked.

After the laughter died down you took yourself over too him, sitting beside him on the grass while he looked at the stars. Your eyes lay on his handsome features which were practically glowing in the moonlight. Thor caught you staring and a small grin plastered his face.

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