(S.R) Blast From The Past

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A light knocking trailed against your door, a knock made by someone who hoped the door wouldn't answer.

Pulling on your soft woollen slippers, you glide across the glossy wooden panels and pulled back the door.

"Well if it isn't Steve Rodgers." You greeted, a playful smile on your lips.

"Well if it isn't... you." His face feigned disgust but after a tap on the shoulder, you stepped to the side and motioned him in. "Nice place you've got here." He complimented, his eyes taking in every detail.

"It's what I could afford, it does the trick nicely. It's homey, a nice escape. It's just a shame i have no one to share it with." An intoxicating scent danced around him, his feet unwillingly stopping before he went too close to the stimulus. Barely inches from one another, your small frame being totally subdued by his rather extreme one; his large arms, his chest, all in brilliant proportion and couldn't weaken the knees anymore than they already were. "In case you didn't get that reference, it was a hint." You said, your voice a silky smooth melody in his ears.

Your eyes flickered up his, beautiful blue, and you couldn't be more tempted to lift your head, just enough, to reach his tender lips.

"So," His sudden pull startled you while he made his way to your CD stand. "What music did I miss while I was swimming with the fishes?" He knew what he'd done to you, he didn't mean to tease but it was near impossible to pull himself away and he had to do it. Plus now he had a new found entertainment; watching you try to hide the concentrated blood flow in your cheeks brought a smile to his heart, something he hadn't had in a long time.

"Well," You started, persisting composure. "There's always the 80's."

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