(D.W) Beer's on Me

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Dean Winchester x Reader | Beer's on Me.

"Two, please. The usual." You turned your stool towards the crowd of people pushing through the bar.

"Opening nights are always busy." Mark said, behind you, placing the shots down on the counter. You turned back to him and took both drinks down.

"You're a good guy, everyone knows that. Plus, the locals haven't had their alcohol for a while. You're lucky you opened back up so soon, people started going crazy hanging out with their wives instead of drinking here." Mark gave a hearty laugh and went to serve some other people.

He gave you your own bowl of pretzels that you could dig into so you sat at the bar, staring at the liquor and eating pretzels while everyone settled down with their drinks.

"Hey, Mark." You called, his head turned to you and you called him over.

"What's up?"

"I'll waitress for you if you want. For free."

"No, it's alright."

"Mark seriously, I can handle myself. Plus, I'm bored out of my mind anyway." You winked. His brows raised and he sighed.

"Go on then." He said, pulling an apron from under the bar and handing it too you, along with a notepad and pencil.

"You're the best!" You said, leaning over the bar and placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Alright, kid. Don't flatter yourself." He snorted before continuing on with his job.

You tied the apron around your waist and tucked the little pad in the aprons pocket then made your way around the tables, taking orders and serving drinks.

"Hey there, welcome to Marks Bar, how may I help you fella's today?" You smiled at the newcomers and scribbled down their orders.

"Wonderful, I'll be back with those in just a minute." You waved off then placed the order in front of Mark.

His eyes scanned the drinks and looked over to the table of newcomers.

"New people, huh."

You nodded.

"You could tell just by looking at the order?"

"What can I say, I know my customers." He smiled, turning to whip up the orders.

You waited at the bar, drumming your fingers against the bar as you spin around on the stool.

"You don't work here, do you? Or you're the daughter of this guy."

"What's it to you?" You scoffed.

"Trying to get to know you."

"I'm good by myself, thanks." Drumming your fingers once again on the edge of the bar.

"Your drinks, (Y/n)." You nodded and took the tray over to the table, the guy following behind you. You watched as he slid into the seat next to a tall brunette. They both wore plaid and the third wore a smart suit and trench coat.

"The names Dean." The short guy stated, pointing to the other two. "That's Sam, and that weird one there's Cas."

"Nice to now." You smiled sarcastically, placing the drinks beside their respective owners. Sam, the tall one, passed a twenty your way and you kindly accepted. "Just holler if you need anything. I'll be around."

"Twenty bucks, all yours." You smiled at Mark as you pushed the money into the till.

"(Y/n) that's your money, you were tipped."
You shrugged your shoulders.

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