(N) Reflection.

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Negan x Reader | Reflection

Walkers. Everywhere. If it wasn't for the anger you held in you, you wouldn't be alive. Funnily enough, that's why he kept you around. He found it amusing that someone so small, such as yourself, could be so dangerous. You were sarcastic, made a good joke every now and then, and didn't play nice.

In the old world, before this shit-show, you were known as Kickstarter Suzi. Not for any particular reason, it just became a popular trend amongst your family and friends. But now that they're all dead, mostly anyway, you have a different name: Y/n. It was how most people in this community referred to you, of course with the one exception. Negan.

He was a badass, sarcastic, non-shit taker. He wasn't afraid to inflict pain for punishment. And as much as Negan liked you, so he said, now was your time for inflicted pain and punishment.

"Now here, ladies and gentlemen, is your leader. She thinks she runs the show, thinks she can get me to like her enough that I'll turn a blind eye. But oh boy is she wrong. Here you see your beloved Y/n. The Angry Mouse that roams the halls, now knelt in-front of me. Why oh why wonderful Negan? You may ask. Well why don't you ask her yourself." He scoffed, smirking as he got closer to your face.

"This ain't the only place I'll make you kneel, hun." He whispered into your ear, pulling away now amused with himself after seeing your discomfort and distaste, chuckling away. "So, pipsqueak. Gonna confess your sins to these beautiful people?" He coaxed.

You eyed him down giving him a warning glare as he picked up his bat and swung it smoothly around his hand.

"You better start talking or my darlin' Lucille here's gonna make you ." A fire had lit up in his eyes at the mention of Lucille getting her hands dirty.

"Shut the f*ck up you slimy son of a bitch." You spat at his shoes.

"Feisty aren't we." He chuckled, turning to the crowd and licking his bottom lip.

"Y/n, decided it would be a good idea to go behind my back, of all backs to go behind, and start her own little revolution." He turned back towards you and was met with a harsh glare which only pushed his amusement further.

"Well sorry to tell you hun, the American revolution was a little while ago. You know, you just missed it actually. Now, before I distract myself with some good ol' patriotic history, how 'bout we let Lucille, here, teach you a lesson."

Two men came from behind you and lifted you by the arms. Your tips of your shoes barely scraped the ground as you shook yourself from their grip, but to no avail.

Negan gently placed Lucille against the table then made his way to stand close to you, his face merely inches from your face.

"Fess up, Kiddo." He whispered.

"To you? I'd rather die." His mouth curled into a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that happens." Negan craved to see a fear in your eyes, give him some more adrenaline and to feel powerful but instead, after looking into them, he only saw a bored and emotionless expression.

No fear hidden, or hope. Just a cold emptiness. And all of the sudden, he was back in the bedroom, before this whole thing started. Not the living dead, no. Before he turned into the monster that he was today.

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