(R.P.) Date

28 1 0

"Hey guys, what about this film!" A group of young girls bustled through the isles of the video store, picking the best movies for their sleepover. They pulled down the films and ran to the counter, eager to leave and watch the movies while gossiping with their friends.

"That'll be $20.39 girls." Pulling out their purses and counting up the change from the piggy bank, they realised they hadn't nearly enough, it all only rounded up to $10.
"Sorry, you'll have to put a few films away. I can't let you leave with 'em." He said. The girls pouted and glanced uncomfortably towards each other. You watched from over one of the movie shelves as they sauntered away to the correct isles with the cases in hand, hoping to get this over with. You couldn't help but speak up.

"Hey," you called, grabbing the girls attention. "I couldn't help but notice you girls are having a sleepover, am I right?" You walked over to them and smiled sweetly.

"Y-yeah." One of them stammered.

"And you can't afford to rent all those films?"

"Yeah." Another returner the smile.

"Well how about I pay for it. No really. It's the least I can do. I was your age once and I can't imaging how embarrassed you felt so don't worry about it. Here." You handed them a twenty dollar note. "Use your money for the rest." You winked, and they thanked you profusely while you ushered them back to the counter and heading back to the horror movies, watching their eyes light up in excitement after they payed and ran out to be picked up.

"That was a real nice thing you did." Someone said behind you. You jumped and a small squeal leapt from your throat. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"No, no it's okay. It was nothing really. Those girls needed a little extra."

"And you gave them a whole lot." He pointed.

"They can use their own money for snacks or magazines. What's so wrong about that."

"Nothings wrong with it, it's just unnecessarily nice, that's all. I have a friend like you; too nice for her own good." He chuckled at the reference to his well known buddy, Melinda. "I thought she was nutty for a while but she proved me wrong on a lot of things." He recalled. You raised an eyebrow at him, confused as to why this attractive dirty blonde was trying to talk to you. "Oh of course, I'm Rick Payne. I teach at Grandview university."

"Isn't that nice." You pause, picking up a movie and heading to the counter, unbeknownst to the man at your heels. "What exactly do you want?" You smiled, though not a real one.

"Well your name would be nice, but dinner would probably be better." He grinned, National Geographic DVDs in hand. You thought about it for a moment, and, slightly intrigued, you agreed. "Tonight, 7?"

You stepped out of the movie store and embraced the crisp autumn air. Closing your eyes for just a moment to appreciate it.

"Sure." You muttered. He nodded in acknowledgment and almost set off on his own way.
"Hang on," you called, looking towards him. "My name is Y/n."

"Nice to meet you Y/n." He stepped back towards you and shook your hand.

"Do you know where to pick me up from?" You grinned, sensing he didn't  you couldn't help but laugh. "You're not very smooth." You'd said before agreeing on a place to meet up.

"Grandview has this antique store, what if we meet in front of there?" You couldn't see why not, you'd been there before to get things for your grandma who'd lived in Grandview all of her life.

"I know it." You agreed, subtly moving to gently peck the side of his face. "It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and I'll see you at 7." A smile graced your lips as you swung open the creaky door to the only car you could afford and started up the engine. He leaned on the door frame.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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