(J) Daisies

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You glided through the gardens as you plucked delicate and rare flowers from their roots, tucking them safely within your woven basket for a lovely witch living next door.

Your were so busy in your own world that you didn't hear the figure creep up behind you and tap you on the shoulder. You jumped up in fright and turned to face them in a defensive stance but relaxed when you saw that it was only Jaskier with a handful of daisies.

"Y/n," he greeted, a smile on his face. "These are for you. Daisies. I know they're a fairly common flower, grow everywhere. And most would find you the rarest flower for your rare beauty, but I didn't think, despite what it means, that it really suits you."

You furrowed your brows in confusion but also curiosity, placing down your basket and stepping closer to retrieve the daisies.

"So tell me, buttercup, why the daisies?" You asked, making blood rush to his cheeks. He let out a quick nervous breath, almost sounding like a sarcastic laugh, before kneeling onto the grass.

"Well, daisies are common, yes, so they grow out in every field across the continent, but what's so amazing about that?" He asks rhetorically. "Well, I thought they represented my thoughts, of you. Always there, always sweet and innocent memories - well I'll admit, maybe not all innocent - but of you nonetheless. No matter where I am, you're there living the way you do, so peaceful and wonderful and I could only imagine how much more wonderful it would be to live my life with you."

You smirked and bent down to him, pecking his cheek and giving it a light squeeze like a soft grandmother, before picking up your basket and walking off, not saying another word. You left him there astounded and confused as he watched your figure skip away into the distance.

Well there she goes. He thought, picking up a fallen daisy from the ground. And she didn't put down the daisies... and she kissed my cheek! He fell into a pile of fantasies in the garden and awaited her return.

A few hours later she returned, a new dress, her hair now tied with a plain yellow ribbon and the basket no longer in her hand. He smiled as she neared him.

You dusted down your dress and tidied up your hair, making sure the daisies he'd given you were tucked nicely in between your strands and the yellow cloth. You watched him smile as you neared him, a grin you new and loved all too much.

"Y/n." He greeted once more.

"Jaskier." You responded. A look of professionalism covered your expression. You gave a quick bow, stopping only a few feet ahead of him, Jaskier now stood up and noticing the daisies in your hair.

"You're looking beautiful - I mean, you did before but you know, you look... well yes, beautiful." He laughed nervously. You shook your head in amusement before glancing up at him once more, flipping the switch for you to run to him. Jaskier caught you in his arms and spun you around.

"For a while there," he whispered. "I though you were going to reject me." Relief evident in his tone.

"As if I'd ever reject you, buttercup!" He winced, only slightly, at the use of the nickname.

"That's not a very manly name." He admitted, his expression holding that of a young boy trying to prove himself a man.

"You're not a very manly person." You added, completely aware of the small irritation you'd caused. After a deep sigh, accepting his defeat, he spoke up once more before embracing you into a deeper cuddle in the garden.

"You're just lucky you're important to me." He mumbled in the crook of your neck.

"Very lucky indeed." You repeated.

I apologise for it being a little shorter. Sometimes one shots are best to not be drawn out!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little Jaskier One - Shot. Feel free to request more, ask me to focus on a specific story title, etc. I'll be around and get to it when I can! It's a massive stress reliever since it's exam season so the more the merrier!!!

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