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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated recently. I'm writing multiple different things, perfecting them and editing as we speak, however, school is catching up to me about work so I'm having to focus most of my attention to studies and whatnot. I'll update when I know the story is as best as I can make it under the current circumstances.

ALSO PLEASE feel free to request fandoms, ships etc. Any requests are amazing requests and I'll do my best to get around to them or write something inspired by the request. No matter what it is I'll find a way to use the idea.

Thank you so much for being so understanding and I'll catch up with you all later... right after I catch up with my school work 😅

Enjoy what's around for now!!

Oh and stay safe and work hard y'all 😋

P.s. if you see a title in the contents page and want to read it soon, let me now and I'll put it under my priorities!!!

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