(N.S) Not From Around 'ere

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- Newt Scamander | Not From Around 'ere

Word Count: 3101

You sat your bag atop the pedestal and opened it up, throwing in all sorts of junk for your journey to your aunts large house.
Your family was rich, however, you didn't enjoy the materialism and begged your father and mother to allow you to leave on an adventure. They refused to let you go on the terms that you had to have a plan on where you would stay so that they could give you some percentage of the money to get you started. Since then you've been all around the country and all the way up to Scotland and Ireland where you came across a young man, around your age, filled with freckles and odd hair. You enjoyed his features which were evidently different from the many bland and boring faces you'd come across in the past four years. His eyes were avoiding the other members of the cruise that you'd hopped on with to get back to England and he was shifting in his seat, as if he wanted to jump up and run but couldn't for some reason. You followed his eyes until they landed on a furry little creature that had climbed underneath your bench, pulling off the rhinestones spotted across your black shoe.
You gave the creature a funny expression as you watched it crawl up your dress and onto the seat where it met your eyes.

"Well hello there." You smiled at it. "And what might you be?" You questioned. Little noises escaped the creatures beak almost as if he was answering you. You nodded your head along with it like you could speak it's language and gently glided your hand over the top of its head. "Why, your so soft and gentle monsieur." You adored and it's head tilted to the left, exposing its little neck, and it's paw began to shake up and down. It appeared the creature was ticklish. "You're absolutely wonderful!" It jumped onto your lap and into your coat.

"E-excuse me." Your head snapped up towards the voice only for you to find that it was the fascinating man from before.

"Hello, Sir." You smiled. "How can I help you?"
"You appear to have my friend." He blinked, showing a little smile at one corner of his lips. The creature poked our from your coat and shook his head.
"Come on now, Niffler. Now isn't the time to mess about." The Niffler looked up at you before shooting back into your jacket.
"I'm terribly sorry about this ma'am. Are you a muggle by any chance?" You placed your hand to your chin in thought.
"A Muggle? Well Sir I've never heard of such a thing. Is that the name of some job?" You puzzled, watching his face grow slightly pale. His expression shone that of disappointment.

"I- I'm sorry ma'am but I must get back my Niffler, we'll be arriving any moment."
You watched as he gulped and his eyes flickered to the front of the boat. You couldn't help but burst out in a fit of laughter, gaining a little more attention to yourself then you'd normally be comfortable with.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but- I don't understand what's so funny?" You let out a small snort which began to make him laugh until the two of you looked absolutely insane. You waited until you caught your breath, holding your stomach in humorous agony.

"My name is Y/n. Y/n L/n. A Witch in training. And you are?" You introduced, your small and delicate hand protruding from your sleeve, using the other hand to wipe the tears from the corner of your eyes.
"Newton Scamander. A magizoologist."

"Well it's a pleasure to make your a acquaintance Mr Scamander." You smiled up at him, moving your coat and tucking it under your bum to give him space to sit down. After he sat beside you, the Niffler came out and climbed all around you, occasionally giving off a stern glare at the freckled man. "He certainly likes you." He said, his eyes glowing like a proud but slightly jealous parent.
"Does he? Well I'm ever so glad." You said, scratching under the little furry things chin. "He's absolutely adorable."

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