(J) Play Me A Melody, A Hearty Symphony

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Two hours until the ball. One man at the end of the hall.

Do you get ready or do you introduce yourself to the bard who's hand is filled with drink and with his head hung low.

The choice, to you, was obvious. You pinched your skirt to hold it high enough above your toes so that you could walk, smoothly making your way over to him without any other sound apart from the click of your heels against the stone.

The closer you got to him, the more it echoed through his head that someone was heading towards him so he raised his head to find out who. He never could have been so surprised.

He watched your eyes as you questioningly took in his appearance.

"Y/n-" he whispered to himself and you stopped merely inches from him.

"Pardon?" You asked, politely after hearing only a mumble. He shook his head to erase the astonishment and stood straight, taking your hand.

You smiled at the gesture and introduced yourself.

"Bard, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Y/n, a princess under the watchful eyes of the Queen. And you are?" His eyes roamed over your face for any sign of familiarity.

"Jaskier. A bard is quite right. I make music. I have done for as long as I can remember." He placed a kiss on your hand and looked up. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He said lastly. He gave a quick bow and followed the rest of the musicians into the ball room to prepare.

Your eyes followed as he nipped through the hall and passed the large oak doors. Something was drawing you to him but you weren't sure what it was.

You shook it off and returned to your room where your lady in waiting and best friend helped prepare you.

"May, I have a question."

"Well I'm not very well educated so you'll have to word it simply." She joked, brushing through your hair, but your expression held one of stern focus.

"You know that bard, the one who's playing tonight?"

"Not at all but go on." She grinned. You sighed.

"Something is drawing me to him. I don't know what it is."

"It's called attraction, love."

"No, no. It's something else. Something different. I know what attraction feels like and well, this just isn't it." You watched as May's reflection nodded in the mirror, her eyes focused on your hair.

"I don't really know what you're asking of me, love. But if something's pulling you too him, I'd find out what it is. Talk to him, I'd say. Get to know him a bit, eh? Then maybe you'll know." She nodded to herself as she put a clip in your hair and wrapped it up nicely.

You didn't say a word after that. You just allowed her to get you dressed and ready for this evening's event.

Your dress spun gently and you smiled and ran to give May a hug.

"You're so good to me." You mumbled as you squeezed her shoulders tightly. May smiled and ushered you out of the door.

"Go on, love. You don't want to be late."

The click of your heels rang out against the stone, once again, as you neared the hall, to soft strumming luring you in.

The head of the knights, the Queen's favourite soldier, came dashing around the corner, taking your arm in his and guiding you through the open doors.

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