(J) Anything For You

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An alarming squawk echoed through the croplands and a flutter of black wings filled the sky creating the view of galaxy coloured stars and star coloured sky's. A contrast that was pleasing to the eye.

Your eyes followed the direction of which the birds had come from and landed on a clumsy figure stumbling out from the corn.

Your brows furrowed in curiosity as you watched the figure shake off the leaves that hung from his hair and shoulders.

"Can I help you?" You asked, forcing the man to yelp and almost jump out of his skin. He looked left and right before looking at you, a exasperated expression slapped onto his face.

"Well you see, I'm looking for a friend." He stated.

"In my crops?" You questioned.

"He's a strange friend." He answered, his nose scrunched up as he squinted his eyes against the harsh sun. He place his hand atop his forehead to shield his vision from the light, but he could only make out the silhouette of a dress.

"Come inside and tell me more about this friend of yours." You offered, in such a way he wouldn't dare say no. Geralt would be alright by himself. Maybe this person would know something of his whereabouts.

He waddled over to the deck of the building and made his way up the steps, now shielded from the sun and able to see, clearly, the person he'd been talking to.

"You are beautiful." He stated matter of factly. You blushed slightly at the comment, after all, you weren't used to strange men being so abrupt and blatantly honest.

Your turned and gave him a glance.

"You're not so bad yourself, Mr Stranger, sir." You smiled gently, washing your hands from the muck you'd been scooping into fertiliser.

"Jaskier." He said. "My name." He clarified, shaking your partially washed hand not thinking about the horse muck you'd been working with.


"Lovely name, Y/n." He once again complimented.

"My parents chose it, it'd be better to tell them that." You pointed, rubbing your hands on some cloth.

"Tea deary?" Water bubbled and boiled on the fire as you set onto making some tea.

"I don't see why not." Jaskier answered.

"Now about your friend,"


"Geralt. What does he look like?"

Jaskier paused a moment and allowed his mind to develop an explanation.

"He's rather large." His mind was still elsewhere, causing you to roll your eyes slightly. "And scary looking."

"So you can compliment women but not at all describe a man?" He scoffed.

"I would have thought you'd know who he was just by that much, everyone else does!" He justified himself sounding as innocent as he could. "He has white hair!"

"White hair?" You looked up at him, a familiarity glowing in your eyes.

"You know him?!" He asked excitedly.

"Most definitely not." He sighed and sat back down on his chair in silence.

You handed him his tea and he sipped it quietly, listening to the creaking of the old building. But the creaking soon turned to heavy footsteps, too heavy for him not to notice and immediately recognise.

"Not to alarm you," he perked up in his seat. "But I believe you have an intruder." He whispered, pointing towards the ceiling.

"An intruder?" There was a strong sarcasm to your voice that Jaskier didn't seem to question. Instead, he acted as the knight in shining armour and stood in front of you with a dough roller in hand as each creak of the steps grew closer and closer.

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