(P.P) String Me Up & Call Me Baby

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Peter Parker x Reader | String Me Up & Call Me Baby

Word Count: 2194

You dashed through the halls, bag on your back, books in your arms, and letter at hand and on your way to the "letter box" just outside of the hall. It was a dumb idea but the school would be reading out anonymous letters, calling out the addressees for a new tradition the headmaster picked up at a conference a few years back.
This was the perfect chance for your confession to Peter Parker. The two of you had been friends since freshmen year in high school. You were the only one who knew about his alter ego, Spider-Man, and pledged to carry the secret to your grave if it meant keeping him safe. You were always there for him when he needed to be patched up from an epic battle and you were there for him when Uncle Ben passed away. Everything you did, you did for him. So now was your chance. Your epic moment. And you just hoped to God that you wouldn't be ridiculed afterwards.
Pushing through the doors of the assembly hall, you made your way to your favourite seat, three rows from the back and four seats from the left. You sat out of sight from the stage and just hoped that he'd understand, and if he figured out that it was you, that he wouldn't tell anyone.
One by one students filed into the room, filling up every seat that could be found and even standing around the edges of the hall, eager to hear the notes and figure out who'd written them. It was the best gossip they could get all year.
"Ahem." The headmaster began to announce the days festivities and the first note was pulled out.
"Elizabeth Davenfield. Please come up here." The red headed girl glided to the stage and stood gracefully beside the microphone. She took the paper from the teachers hands and began to read.
"Your eyes are like silver,
Your hair is like fire,
Your skin so soft to the touch.
When I close my eyes I see your tender smile
And your bright red nose when you blush.
Your laughter, a song, sung right from the heart,
Like this note you're hearing today.
I've loved you since young, from the very start
I just hope that you feel the same way."
The crowd stood and clapped while little Lizzy curtsied and took off from the stage.
After Elizabeth, more and more people got on the stage and read out their letters. There were many that were funny, even rude. Brian Murphy was taken out for a detention after being found that he'd written the one about his friends Mom.
You were so caught up in the gossip that you hadn't noticed that Peter was now being called up. A sudden blood rush crawled under your skin and your hands started to sweat. You had no idea how nerve wrecking this would be and you weren't even up on the stage!
"Peter Parker, your letter young man." Peter gave the woman and awkward smile as he took the letter from her grip.

"Peter, I wouldn't expect you to know who I am, or why I'm even doing this. It's actually a pretty crazy idea that this would even work but it's just a traditional way of doing things in this school so here we are...
I have to admit, Peter. I've been deeply in love with you for quite a while (not going to specify). And as much as it sucks not having the strength to tell you face to face, I'm just afraid that you'd hate me for it and never want to speak to me again, but that's probably just my overthinking.
Anyway, before I start mumbling (even though this is a letter) I just had to say it. I love you. Always have, always will. But please, if you know who I am, don't feel obliged to be like "hey, I probably like you too so let's date" because I don't want that. If you love me then you love me, if you don't then you don't. So in some ways, please know who I am, and in others, please forget my existence and never know that it was me.
~ Anonymously, you're admirer
(But that sounds kinda creepy so maybe forget that part.)
P.S. Have a nice day : )"

Peter smiled and chuckled to himself, saying a quick and polite 'thank you' to the teacher and skipped down the stage past the whistles of the boys to reach his seat. You were sinking into your chair, your face now entirely red due to how ridiculous your letter sounded (because that's the only reason you were nervous... *eye-roll*), and your palms barely able to hold even your phone. You could only thank God that another person had already gotten up to read theirs.

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