(N.S) She wants Grandchildren

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"Newton Scamander."

His head flicked up in an urgency only seen when his Niffler went missing.

"Mother!" He exclaimed, trying to play off his utmost terror in a sound of delightful surprise.

"Y/n Scamander."

You jumped from the case interior and patted down your dress, a smile breaking its way into your lips.

"Mother!" You exclaimed, like Newt, only much more pleased and throwing your arms in the air, grinning at the frail woman at the door.

"Oh, deary, you've grown so much since I last saw you." The woman wrapped her arms around your shoulders. Despite her thin arms and small figure, she was still incredibly strong.

"Not too much, Mama. I wouldn't want to be getting old like you." You joked, innocently. She laughed along with you, all the while Newt was in his corner, completely stiff with nerves.

As lovely as your mother was, she'd find any conversation starter that would make him uncomfortable as soon as you left the room. She was dangerous in that manner of speaking.

"I'll go make us a coffee then, shall I?" It was a rhetorical question, of course, but Newt spoke up immediately.

"No!" His voice was an octave higher than he'd have liked. "No." He said, much softer than before. "I'll make the coffee, love. You spend some time catching up with your Mum, eh?" He said, moving both stiffly and speedily into the kitchen.

Three mugs, two coffees, and a wonderful cup of tea. The perfect remedy to calm his rattling hands and knees after barely skimming an awkward one sided conversation with your Mother.

About ten minutes later, Newt brought in a tray with three mugs and placed them on the living room table, handing a cup of coffee to woman.

"So, Newton." She began, taking a small and cautious sip of her brew. "How's work coming along?"

"Work!" He chuckled nervously. "Ah yes, work is - work is happening. It's working which is more than I can say for most." He joked. Granted it wasn't a wonderful joke and only poured into the awkwardness he couldn't help but be drowning in at the current moment.

She nodded and turned her conversation back to her daughter. Newt sat quietly and just listened while staring into space and sipping on his tea.

"Do excuse me, Mum. I'm going to nip to the bathroom." You smiled, first at your Mother, then to Newt, letting your gaze linger on his nervous form for a few more seconds before zooming upstairs.

It was a silent few minutes, adding to the falling level of Newts oxygen in the room.

He sipped on his tea.

"So." She let her eyes scan the room before landing on Newt. "How's the sex?"

Tea erupted from Newts nose and mouth as he, spluttering, pulled the handkerchief from his pocket which was gratefully passed to him by his Bowtruckle.

"I'm sorry Mother, but that's not something I'd like to discuss." He admitted after wiping his face and placing what was left of his tea back onto the tray.

"So I'm not getting grandchildren any time soon?" She asked, disturbingly innocently.

Newt paused for a moment and let his head roam around the fantasy of himself as a Father and you his Wife, his children's loving Mother. He didn't think of it as a bad idea at all. Just not an idea to be implemented too soon. He was afraid that maybe you wouldn't want to go that far.

You were living together, yes. You were a couple, yes. The engagement was seven months ago. You'd raised magical creatures together with the same love and tender care for that of a child. Did I idea really seems so crazy?

"I'll be seeing little feet climbing around soon will I?" She asked, much softer and with a tender tone. She had a similar ability to Queenie. She could get inside peoples heads and see what they were thinking. Not hear. See.

"I- I never thought too much into it." He admitted. She nodded and sat beside him on the doubled couch, placing her hands into his.

"I know you've taken care of my daughter. You always have and I know you always will. You're strong together, I can see that. And I give you my full and eternal blessing to be the father of my grandchildren."

She smiled.

"If Harry were still alive today, I know he'd say the same. You're a wonderful person, Newt. And I trust you wholeheartedly."

He smiled.

"Now get upstairs and make me some grandchildren!" She commanded humorously. She gave a lighthearted chuckle as she pushed him towards the stairs, recovering all the amusement she needed in his flustered face.

Watching him up go up the stairs, she smiled as he turned the corner. He stood at the bathroom door and waited for you to come out, picking you up and spinning you and carrying you to the bedroom.

Once your childlike giggling was muffled by the slam of the door, your Mother turned and grabbed her handbag from the coat rack.

"My work here is done." She chuckled, closing the front door behind her and walking into the darkening evening.

Meanwhile, you lay on the bed, leaning on your arms as Newt climbed over you.

"Newt, what are you doing!" You giggled as he kissed wherever he could.

"I'm doing what you mother told me to do," You paused, confused. "She wants grandchildren." He elaborated, pulling you to him and smothering you in affectionate kisses.


"Grandchildren." He confirmed. You kissed him back and a few long and passionate kisses later you pulled away, gazing lustily into his glorious eyes.

"Then it's grandchildren she'll get." You smirked.

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