(S.H) Cousin of a Friend pt.1

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Laying around was boring, but you much preferred this heinous task to packing up and moving out and those awkward goodbyes from the last towns newly made friends.

You sat up in a desperate attempt to wake yourself up, you were in a new place now and turning eighteen in a few more months which meant you could make this place your forever home and let your mom leave without you.

So a job was the first thing on your mind, your mom may have been rich off of Dads money but that didn't mean you'd want to sit around and be lazy.

You wanted to prove that you were more than your parents allowed.

With your boxes now packed, movers on there way already out of town, you and your Mom jumped in the car and headed off someplace new. You weren't told yet, it was a surprise apparently, which your Mom could do considering she was rich.

"So sweetheart, it's a small town, quiet at least. No one to bother us. I've checked the school and it's a wonderful little place with lots of different people. Maybe you'll find someone there you can get a long with." She smiled at you in the rear view mirror.

"Yeah." You mumbled tiredly, loud enough for her to hear.

You placed your head on the shaking window and rested your chin on your hand, watching the scenery zoom by. It was a scenic day and you couldn't help but feel satisfied, despite the unwanted move.

A few hours later you'd arrived at a stop. It was a clothes store, cheap, but had the kind of clothes you liked.

You leapt out of the seat and accepted the cash held out to you, saying a quick 'Thanks' before hopping out of the car.

"I'll be here sweetie, go inside and get whatever you can with that." You nodded and tucked the money in your wallet. It was your grandpas wallet, and the last thing you had left of him after he passed.

You scanned the clothing racks and went through every hanger, plucking out little things to add to the cart.

And at the very back, on a very high shelf, where a pair of red converse sat in all of it's tempting glory. You smiled to yourself and tried to reach up, even risking standing on the edge of the shopping cart to raise your height by something at least.

But, like you'd expected and ignored, the cart fell forwards and you fell to the ground. Sitting for a moment, you accepted your defeat and allowed the embarrassment to wash away.

"Hey, you okay?" One of the clerks came over and helped you up.

"I'm great." You lied sarcastically. He laughed heartily.

"Sorry I shouldn't be doing that." He proceeded to laugh and you grinned along side him.

"Honestly it's fine. I'm new in town and my Mom wants me to have an entirely fresh start. Including clothes so it seems." You laughed nervously and pulled at strands of your hair.

"Well, welcome to town. It'll be nice having someone like you around. And hey, maybe you'll bring the town closer together." He smiled before pulling down the shoes from the top shelf and handing them to you. His eyes scanned the shop and he waved his goodbyes as he spotted some struggling customers.

"How can I help you," you heard before turning your attention back to the shoes.

You got back into the car with two bags holding folded clothes and the box that held the converse.

"How'd it go, saw you talking to a boy." She smirked.

"I fell, he helped me up and got what I wanted off of the top shelf." You stated simply. She quirked her eyebrow and whispered a 'right, okay then.' You rolled your eyes and and proceeded to watch out the window as your mom pulled out of the parking lot and back onto the road.

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