(A.P) A Handsome Prince

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Arthur Pendragon x Reader | A Handsome Prince

What's gotten into you?"

You fell to the grass and lay amongst the flowers, rolling around in pure excitement of your sudden burst of reality.

"You wouldn't understand." You smiled, placing two gentle fingers around the stem of a rose. You sighed, a lovesick sigh, that was almost immediately recognised.

"I see, you're in-love. Your heart has been taken."

"No, Missey. Not taken. But kindly warmed and nurtured by the hands of another.
"Someone who's so magnificent, so charming and beautiful. I've never been so infatuated." You expressed, giving a heartily smile as you watched the bees drop by every flower.

"So is that all it is then? Infatuation." Missey taunted as she plucked fruit from the tree. You sat up and turned to her, a mug of hurt and misunderstanding.

"It isn't just infatuation, Missey. I've been infatuated before, truly. But not so much as I am with him."

You relaxed back into the blanket of green, becoming one with the sheet that stretched out across the many fields and eccentricities. Your head lulled to the side as you watched over the small bustling of the town below you, seemingly less overcrowded compared to when you were amongst the chaos, pushing and shoving as you'd grab at your groceries and throw the change at the seller before being carried off into the current of bodies.

"Good evening there ladies." A handsome tune rung through your ears forcing your eyes open and your attention suddenly peaking.

"Evening, your majesty." Both you and Missey gathered in unison, the latter giving a graceful curtsy.

"It's a lovely spot you've claimed here. Mind if I join you?"

"Of course your majesty," Missey began but you smoothly interrupted, catching both Missey's and the Prince's attention.

"Well actually, this spot is reserved." You'd said, nonchalantly. You watched Missey catch herself against the tree and breathing deeply to stop herself from fainting, from the corner of your eye, however your main focus was on him.

"Reserved you say?
"May I ask who for?" He'd said, drawing closer, tapping his fingers against his swords handle.

"Well, it's for someone handsome for one. A prince, quite like you, but far more attractive." You elaborated further. "He has this magnificent beard, gorgeous green eyes, and lips that could kill."

"I deserve at least a chance!" He exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Missey was loosening her corset just to be able to breathe.

"Sorry, there's no man like him. Off you go, good sir." You mocked. He turned to make an exit.
"Wait." He turned back, stepping lightly towards you, a new grin on his face. "Leave the horse. The horse can stay." You smiled sweetly and in his opinion, far too innocently.

"Why, You!" He dropped the horses reins and tackled you to the ground, the pair now rolling on the ground and giggling like little children.

"Am I missing something?" Missey stood a few feet away her expression warped with unanswered questions.

"Arthur and I," You began. "We're getting married!"

"I didn't even know you guys were a thing! Why didn't you tell me?" Missey wasn't sure how to feel, excited or a little let down.

"She didn't want me to get into trouble. But I couldn't bare having to sneak around anymore. I told my Father, and though he was furious at the beginning, he came to realise that my mind wouldn't be misguided so easily."

"Really!" You squealed. "He's given his blessing?" Arthur nodded like an excited little boy. "That's wonderful!" You cried, throwing yourself into his arms and squeezing him tightly. He laughed both in agreement and nervously as he too was becoming short of breath.

You let go and he fell to one knee.

"I suppose this is only natural under the circumstances." He smirked, pulling out the ring he'd been saving in his bedside drawer for so long.

"Oh Arthur!" You cried. "You already know the answer!"

He placed the ring slowly, carefully, onto your left hand. He held your hand and gazed at it. It's finally happening, and he didn't have to hide it anymore.

A surge of confidence shot through him and he jumped up onto his horse.

"I'll be right back." He smiled, leaning down to place a kiss on your cheek but you took his face in your hands and excitedly connected your lips.

His cheeks shone brightly as he raced down the hill back into town.

"I recon he's going to tell his man friend, Merlin." Missey said coming to stand at your side and watching Arthur ride away. "Regardless, congratulations, love." She smiled, patting you on the back.

"Thanks Missey." You smiled back, excited for to life ahead of you.

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