Chapter 2

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"Since when did you join The Walking Dead?" He asks as everybody disperses, leaving the two of us

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"Since when did you join The Walking Dead?" He asks as everybody disperses, leaving the two of us.

"It's been in the works for a few weeks." I say as I remove my mask. "Today is my first day."

Silence falls between us and I look away, not wanting to look him in the eyes. Jeffrey and I have not seen eachother in years, we never attend the same events or even go to the same places. We celebrate our children's birthdays on different dates because we just ended badly, we were never able to resolve our issues or get closure.

"I'm sorry to hear about your divorce." I tell him with a sympathetic look on my face. "It's never easy."

"Yeah I know." He gives me a fake chuckle, "We went through that remember and this is the first time that we are seeing eachother in forever. Hell, you wouldn't even let me visit you in the hospital when you had a heart attack."

"We're divorced Jeffrey." I sigh. 

"You still mean a lot to me." He snaps. "We may have been divorced but it never meant that I stopped loving you. We were together for sixteen years and we have three children together. How could I just cut you out after everything that we went through? I really wanted to be there for you but you wouldn't let me."

"I'm sorry." I mutter as I look down and he goes to touch me but I move my face. "Just don't."

"Sorry." He clears his throat. "I'll just let you get back to it. It's good to see you, Halle."

"You too." I pat his chest as I side step him and begin the walk back to my trailer. 

"Will you be attending Zoe's dinner tonight?" He asks as he walks besides me.

"Of course, I'm her mother." I give him a look. "Why are you asking?"

"Because you never like to show your face if you know that I'm going to be there." I feel my heart drop. 

"I'm always there, even when you don't see me." I tell him with a sad smile. "Things just didn't end well between us and sadly we didn't work it out."

"I am sorry for how it ended, I truly am." He looks remorseful as he looks into my eyes. "I didn't mean to hurt you the way that I did."

We come to a stop at my trailer and I turn to look at him, "I know."

With those last words, I walk inside the trailer and I shut it behind me.

"Fuck." I curse as I awkwardly slide down the door. This latex suit is really ruining the whole mood for me.


"I can't believe that you and dad are going to be in the same room after how long." Zia says with a smile on her face. "This is definitely a step in the right direction."

"How so?"

"We missed you guys. It's not always planning things because we always have to do everything over a two day period. When I released my album, I had two seperate family dinners and launch parties."

"I'm sorry baby." I wrap an arm around her before kissing the side of her head. "I didn't realise just how much it was affecting you guys and I am sorry for that."

"I know." She squeezes my waist as we walk into Nobu. We have a room booked out just for Zoe which was pricey but money isn't an issue, my girls happiness means everything to me.

We are lead to the room and I smile as I spot several of Zoe's friends. I walk over to Zena and I give her a massive kiss on the lips which makes her laugh.

"Hey mommy." She pulls me in for a brief hug. 

"Hey baby." I greet a few other of Zoe's friends before stopping by Zoe who is taking pictures her best friends Karrueche and Christina.

" I greet a few other of Zoe's friends before stopping by Zoe who is taking pictures her best friends Karrueche and Christina

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"Mom?" She looks at me in surprise before looking at Jeffrey. "What are you doing here?"

"Today is your night." I give her a half smile as I embrace her. "Of course I'm going to be here for you."

"But dad is here?" She whispers.

"I know." I give her a reassuring smile as we pull away from eachother. "It's time for new beginnings."

A smile graces her face.

"Thank you." She pulls me in for another hug. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me." I squeeze her shoulder. "Now let's enjoy ourselves."

I make my way over to Zena who is sitting next to her father. 

"Jeffrey." I politely say.

"Halle." He gives me a curt nod.

Shortly after all the guests arrive, we order food and everyone begins to converse as we wait on the food. Tonight we are celebrating Zoe's debut album which is coming out in a few short days. This is the pre-dinner that we always have before the official release party.

Two hours later and everyone has eaten their food. We are waiting on the cake and a thousand dollars worth of deserts to arrive from a private company that we ordered from. I turn to observe my family and Jeffrey who are looking like it's christmas.

"Speech." Christina announces as she clinks a knife against her laugh.

"I have something to say." I say while standing to my feet. 

Every single person in the room turns to look at me with smiles on their faces, a few people even pull out their phones to film me.

"I just wanted to tell Zoe that I am so proud of you." She beams at me as she sits on Jeffrey's lap. "Even though you were born to wealth and fame, you always strived to do things on your own. Even though I expressed that I could have gotten you a record label when you were a teen, you told me that you wanted to earn it. For the longest time, you dropped your surname when it came down to business so that people could talk to you as Zoe and not Zoe Morgan."

I look at Jeffrey who nods his head at me.

"You are so beautiful inside and out. I want you to know that I am so proud to be your mom, I am really proud of you and your accomplishments." I find myself getting choked up so I stop and everyone claps. "I am so so proud to be your mother and I cannot wait to see what you do next. Your album is amazing and I hope that you are proud of yourself because you created a masterpiece."

"Thank you." She mouths as she blows me a kiss.

"I wasn't even 20 years old when I had you. Everybody told me that I was making a mistake by having another baby before twenty. Jeffrey and I worked so damn hard to make sure that we built a life for you children, we were young but we weren't stupid." I laugh a little. "I'm happy that I trusted my gut and had my beautiful children. We lived an eventful life but look at us now, a family full of successful people."

Her friends clap and cheer.

"Thank you for allowing me to be your mommy, I hope that I have somewhat inspired you as you have inspired me." I blow her a kiss and she pretends to catch it. "I love you guys, you make me proud everyday."

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